If YOU haven’t closed a real estate deal this year, have fear about calling prospects, can’t seem to get your real estate system going, doesn’t seem like anything is working for you, can't make the connection, you can’t get the consistent cash flow, you went to the real estate seminar and now you're back at square one, signed up with the guru and it’s just NOT flowing, then...
Join me on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @ 7:00pm-8:45p...m Est. for my “Get-Up-And-Go” Real Estate POWER CALL.
As a passionate investor, I know exactly where you are! I want to show you only two strategies that will shift inner abundance and empower you to close deals quickly, manifest your money and eradicate the fear factor. NO, it’s not a new sales strategy, marketing approach or telephone script. I’m going to show you in two easy steps how to tap into the energy within you to COMMAND & MANIFEST your CLIENTS & BUYERS! That’s right, I said COMMAND & MANIFEST Clients & BUYERS & CLOSINGS! It’s soooo EASY!!!!! Truth is, you are already doing it, but you just might not be aware!
You know, it’s not the real estate system that’s the problem, it’s the energy you bring when calling prospects and moving through the closing process. Trust me; it took me months before I could even get a breakthrough in my business and I had the best of the best systems. I spent thousands of dollars in my business, had the websites and the pages, went to the networking events, and the list goes on... but I could not make the connection. BUT I LEARNED THE SECRETS TO MANIFEST and I want to share it with you! :)
YES, I am a real estate professional! I SHOW real estate professionals who struggle how to eradicate limiting beliefs and fear at the subconscious level and get desired results in their business quickly.
Click the link to register for a small investment of 29.95....
Hugs & Love,
FYI- Tuesday is my birthday... but I just spent a week, flew 1st class, stay at Trump Resort & Masterminded with 150 high level people from across the world in one room. The energy was awesome. It would be an awesome gift to share with you my personal manifesting secrets, so you can enjoy your real estate business to. :). Amazing blessings from above!