WOW! 2011 is just around the corner and ready or not, it’s coming! Will you be unstoppable this year or will this year be a reflection of your 2010? I’ve discovered something powerful in 2010 that has changed my life profoundly and it is my full intention to take it to another level in 2011. I learned that everything and I do mean everything from situations, to people, to jobs to clients, to you name it can only exist in my life if I give it permission.
The things I respond to, I give them permission to exist in my life. When I first encountered this, I was dealing with some pretty frustrating circumstances and I desperately wanted an answer of relief. I learned that situations might not change, but I can. I can choose to look at the storm as a destructive force designed to take me out OR I can look at it as a beautiful act of God that always brings new rain, new wind, new growth and new creation.
I learned that I am the creator of my reality and I have the choice to go with the flow of life or create the channel of life that I desire to flow in! It’s all about choice and loving yourself enough to make your “own” decisions. This is so vital to peaceful and abundant living!
As you enter into 2011, shift your belief system at a cellular level to become an irresistible magnet to the things that you desire! My clients are experiencing this transformation and loving the results. Regardless of the storm, remember you were created to win and to meet life victoriously!
It is my mission to empower you with ultimate energy and connect with you to make this your best year ever! Nothing happens until you make a decision to experience something greater. Guess what, lip service won’t do the job, it’s the inner knowing at the core of your mindset that will cause the ethers to produce that which you have been silently thinking! I look forward to connecting with you in 2011 as we transform our lives, dissolve barriers to success and thrust forward with passion, abundance and peace of mind!
Coach Tisha
© December 2010, Transformer Coaching, All Rights Reserved.