Winners, do not become a slave and serf to procrastination! It does not serve you well to put off your most important tasks and piddle ( a southern word) around on the useless tasks.
Procrastination is a thief of creativity, life and enjoyment. Do not permit it any longer. Procrastination is a mindset of fear, lack of focus, and being content with limitation.
One of my success tips that I practice is call the 5-Alive! For five hours a day, I turn off my phone, do not check email or anything. I focus on my business, strategies, implementing ideas, massive actions and making money. At the end of the five hours, my goal is to have completed something that will produce tangible results in a short time.
As winners, we must have uninterrupted time to work. The rest of the day, I chill on face book (just joking). Seriously, you can't accomplish much with the phone constantly ringing, emails coming through, and constant interruption. It breaks your focus.
Five hours of pure focus will yield unbelievable results. Try it and you will see. Be sure to write on the wall and let us know if you are taking the Big 5 and keep us abreast of your winning success.
Winners, take BIG ACTION and CELEBRATE BIG SUCCESS. You can click my page to order a copy of my new e-book for only 6.99. It will encourage, push and establish a mindset for motivation as you continue to move forward.
Keep Winning