Like the picture? It was me in the 1st grade a young winner in the making, lol... Today may you be empowered with infinite ideas and possibilities. Remember, it only takes one idea to make your dream a reality. You are powerful and can have and do anything you desire.
I often hear ppl say that when I get this I will be that or my dream is on the way. I hear people say that I am on my way to my next level or destiny. We are not the next anything, we are orginal blue prints with creative power. I come to inform you that you are NOT on the way, you are there! Live your dream right now. You are the mission that others said was impossible. AT this moment, you are operating in your dream :)
Live, love and enjoy your life right now! You are in purpose and you are in destiny. Guess what, a little choas and obstacles just pushes us up a little higher. Don't fight it, but learn from it and keep operating in your destiny. We can't quit at life, enjoy it! You are a Powerful Mission!
Keep Winning,
Tisha- Transformer Coach