Join Latisha Bell, America's Transformer Life Coach
"The 21-Day Prosperity & Manifestation Class"
This is a $69.95 class for an introductory investment of only $$19.95
The 21-day Prosperity Manifestation training will take place on Tuesday June, 15, 2010 from 7pm-9pm EST as a Tele-Class.
Once you register, you will receive your workbook via email and conference call information!
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Let's build this through word of mouth marketing!
REGISTER AT www.manifestprosperity.eventbrite.com
Latisha not only lives what she is teaching, but have coached others through the 21 days and seen wonderful results. I'm not promising you that in 21 days you will be a millionaire, but you will certainly shift in your mental consciousness to attract wealth and move foward with your financial goal.
Latisha always get straight to the point in her teaching. Hey style is charismatic, energetic and enjoyable. Teaching and training is not only her passion, but her destiny, therefore you will experience a enlightening transformation. She focuses on guiding you to a wealth consciousness with strategies you can immediately implement.
Be a Money Magnet
You will learn what 21-day scientific prosperity manifestation consist of. Just think, in less than a month you can began to attract different things into your life by working with the Transformer Coach! This is a foundation to take your life to the next level.
The 21-Day Prosperity Manifestation Class will use proven techniques to implant a wealth consciousness into your mind and she will release the scientific formula for creating a wealth consciousness. There have been great results from this 2 hour teaching and 21-day challenge.
This is going to be fun, invest today!
This Training will eradicate the barriers of lack that are underlying and attracting less than financial events into your life. Let's blast them out like an atomic power of dynamic force.
You will be exposed to strategies that will eliminate the root cause of a poverty or limited mindset.
You will also learn procedures that will get to the core of your subconscious mind and remove negative blockages that could possibly obstruct your success.
Join America's Transformer Coach as we journey on a wealthy consciousness.