Today is an outstanding day! Let nothing or no one distract you. I am getting phenomenal responses from my coaching clients. The Bible states, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free... John 8:32. It is a devastating and disheartening feeling to know many people are walking around living a limited life without breakthough because they refuse to allow the truth to make them free. What is the truth? There are several but in regards to the above, truth is that poverty, depression and other negative thoughts can be eradicated by simply changing your thoughts to the truth about your life.
Before my transformation, I use to think limited and lack thoughts. I use to attract all sorts of low level thinking people, limited finances, mediocrity jobs and other events. BUT NOW... There has been a shift. I have elevated my thoughts to success of winning and experiencing great results. Sure, I have obstacles, but in that, I have the faith to know I am victorious.
I am grateful and thankful for the friends and people in my life and it truly shows the reflections of my thoughts. Great friends of faith and success. We attract people into our lives that vibrate on the same level of our thoughts.
If you desire you life to change, register for the Manifesting TeleClass I am hosting on this Tuesday June 15, 2010 @ 7:00pm EST. Once you register, you will receive your workbook and conference call information. Its a 2-hour class which promises to be life changing. Register today at http://manifestprosperity.eventbrite.com/. It's only 19.95.
Latisha Bell
America's Transformer Life Coach