Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Good Morning World! What will you achieve today? We had a powerful conference call last night! I believe we are all free of limited thinking and geared up to accomplish great things. We are vessels full of treasure and precious jewels. Your mind is valuable! When I look at the picture of our furry friend, I see the cheetah in the midst of taking action! Be fierce like the cheetah when it comes to your plans, take massive action.
Be a commander today. You are the CEO of your life. Get on the ice of life and take control. We are powerful energetic beings full of great ideas. Today, I encourage you to work your business, build your team, and GO FOR IT! There are 6.9 billion people in the world, you have more than enough to reach your goal. Do not confine yourself to the limitations of your neighbor, the grocery clerk or your best friend. Be set free.
Have FAITH! Faith is the belief that whatsoever you believe you will accomplish. Have faith in yourself and your belief system. Have FAITH in God! ALL things are ultimately possible to them that believe. Do you believe it on today? Take a leap of faith and jump out there. Create that massive wealth on today. Remember, have no limits. As I said last night, when the enemy of small thinking creeps in your mind, CHALLENGE it like the CHEETAH and command it to go! You clobber that small thought with a giant thought. That giant thought is I CAN AND I WILL! So Cheetah's run fast today, accomplish much today and remember, small thinking bad. Expand your vision, your network and watch your net worth expand. Have a great day.
If these writings have been a blessing to you, please feel free to leave a gift.
Have a Winning Day!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hello World!!! What are limits? Limits are defined as final, utmost, or furthest boundaries. Where did limits come from? FEAR! Who put them there? Environment and wrong thinking! Who taught you to think wrong? FEAR. You can do anything! You should get excited about your vision and your goals. Bust through the limits and stretch your arms wide and shout I'm FREE! Don't sentence yourself to LIFE in the limited thinking prision.
Your business, your idea and your mind can achieve whatsoever YOU believe is possible. That's the key word, believe. What or who shapes your belief system? When you began a task, do you hear the voice of your mother, old school teacher or boss whispering, you can't do that? Perhaps that voice is saying, you're not smart enough, your family isn't rich enough, or who do you think you are? Perhaps the little voice is saying, why can't you be like everyone else. (Now, that's a limitation...being like everyone else). Where did limited thinking derive? My conclusion, people will guide you based on their thinking. If someone is full of fear and limitation, how can they possibly tell you the sky is your limit? Seriously, can they tell you that your dreams are reachable? Don't allow a prison voice to be your guide...get with the winners.
Surround yourself with the no limit thinkers. Get in the energy of the movers and shakers. Change your scope to those who are the recession busters, creating income and cash flow. Get in the mix of those that are pursuing divine health and speaking peace. Start talking with eagles instead of the chickens. Yes, both of them have feathers, but their purposes are completely different. The chicken is designed to run around in the back yard and eat the chicken feed while the eagle is destined to fly higher than any other bird. A chicken relies on a person (the chicken manager aka chicken boss) to feed him. In other words, that chicken waits for a hand out so he can eat. An eagle realizes that no one has the ability to feed him like his appetite requires so he hunts for the best quality meal.
When a chicken is promoted, he is promoted to a chopping block. When an eagle is promoted he trains other eagles and develop his keen sense. A chicken eats chicken feed, aka a bunch of stuff (being nice)... an eagle has a strong robust appetite and dines on duck and fresh fish. An eagle could not survive on chicken feed. A chicken steps in his poop all day, but not the gliding eagle. The eagle glides in the crisp clean air and has a better view of the world, while the chicken views the dirt, ground, and runs into other chicken mates. You can tell when a chicken has been around, it smells and there are feathers everywhere. When was the last time you saw eagle feathers? The world looks forward to eating chicken for dinner, but who dines on the eagle. In other words, limitation eats fear for dinner, but it will choke if it bites into boldness.
I use this analogy so you can decide if you are an eagle or a chicken. Are you waiting for a handout or are you creating a path for others to follow. Are you settling for mediocrity or are you annihilating low level thinking and low self esteem. Be an eagle today and take the limits off! You deserve to fly and fly high. Start flapping your wings of success and take off. Be like the eagle and mount up and spread your wings. Release the limits today and remember, you can do anything you set your mind to do. Get a plan, get your goals and email me if you want to go from the chicken feed to the duck a la carte :).
Join me each Tuesday @ 7pm as we Banish LIMITS on our conference call. You can call 712-432-0111 code 901054#. Remember,the cage was made for the chickens... get off the farm set free and be who you are destined to be.
Your Winning Partner,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Morning World!!! Do you like the beach picture of Aruba? Just wanted to warm you up a bit if you are in a snowy place. There is a saying that all good things must come to an end. I asked myself, why? Do all good things come to an end...absolutely not! It just begins. While things in our lives have cycles and seasons, it is imperative that we refuse to live by those limiting factors. If there is something in your life that comes to an end, rejoice for newness can appear!
Your view of your world will yield exactly what you view. Now that you have a new beginning, what will you create? To create means to cause to come into being; evolve from one thoughts or imagination. You have a new day, a new chance to create something great and wonderful. Use the power of a positive imagination to create a new life, attitude and way of living for yourself. Why settle for a mediocre when you possess all the faculties to bring "the thing" into existence. Elevate your mind and your thoughts to creating a life that you enjoy.
I view every day as a day of creation! I have the opportunity to create new experiences, new friendships, new dreams, new goals and a new life. There is no limit to what we can create and when we can create it. I am so enjoying the boot camp for the mind! I have taken it to another level beyond the one hour early. I see massive results. Remember, things change when you change. Brand yourself with a new creation. I strongly believe in tithing and giving. It is a universal fact that what you give out/away you will receive back. It's amazing how things can come back to you and whom it chooses to come through. To my point, I gave away all of my summer clothes. I wanted to put the extreme giving to the test. Well, with that said, I have the ability to create a new summer wardrobe full of vibrant colors and new designs. I shared that with you to show how easily we can create what we desire. Today, bring something to an end in your life so that you can create a new beginning. You can begin again! Hey, let today be a do over day.
Committed to Winning in Life,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
How is the boot camp for the mind going? Learning any new information? Rising up an hour early to conquer the world? Are you implementing the changes necessary to accomplish your goals and dreams? Perhaps you are sleeping an hour later and not getting up early. I admit, it can be a bit challenging, especially if I go to bed late. I have come to a conclusion about my life... it's my life and I am going to live it to the fullest. Your mind is your greatest asset. It's amazing how we will spend more money on hair that we constantly cut and trim but never invest in expanding our mind and knowledge.
Take the LIMITS OFF! Think about this, every year we shed and create a new body. YEP! The old cells fall off and it takes about year before you are completely a new cell. The cycle continues. Now, I am NOT a cellular doctor, but this is generic information. Check out the hair on your head. Over the years, we have cut and cut and cut! The hair you see today is not the same hair you has as a baby. Our hair sheds and regenerates new hair. Well, what about our mind? Are we holding on to limiting beliefs from childhood, teenage years, old jobs, generational wrong thinking etc.? If you can think of a reason as to why something can't be done, you can THINK of a hundred reasons why it can be done. Perhaps you want to meet the Queen of England. It's possible.
The question remains, are you going to take action and do something? Will you just sit around and look at CNN and wish you could meet the queen. The results are waiting for those who will get up and TAKE ACTION. Stop, pause and take a deep breath... AHHHH... now say to yourself, I am responsible for my life. AHHHH (I hear the angels sing and the lights flashing). Stop the blame and build your confidence. Do IT! I enjoying getting the emails of those who are taking action and getting results. It's inspiring and enlightening.
Remember, if our bodies are changing and becoming new, so should our mind, our environment, our relationships, etc. A mind never grows old. Go, Sow & GROW! Make today count!
Join me tonight as I host our Tuesday Transformational Conference Call! 712-432-0111, ext 901054#. It's powerful, enlightening and highly motivational.
Monday, February 8, 2010
IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD! It's Monday and I'm sure you all had a great time watching the SuperBowl! I really enjoyed the wonderful food we had :). This is now the 2nd month of the year to win 2010! Due to my previous limited thinking, I believed that the only negative people in the world were those who assaulted your vision, dream, self worth. While that is the obvious, we must be aware of different type of negative energy depleters. Sometimes we focus on the obvious while the less than obvious is causing great distress and destruction. We should surround ourselves with highly positive and energetic people. People full of life, vision, accomplishments, etc. What negatives am I speaking of...low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Sure, you get a great idea and sure you are confident that it will work, but then YOU become your inner critic and began to shoot down your self-esteem. This is a little different than making excuses because you are flat out lazy. In this case, you began to speak about how your capabilities don't amount up to the requirements. Excuses such might not have all the money at this time. Other excuses are... I tried this before and I failed at it. What if people laugh at me...and the list goes on. You validate WHY you should not move forward. If you do move forward, it's with extreme caution because at the first sign of failure or defeat, you feel that you have a valid reason to quit. So the question remains, who benefits when you make an excuse to quit because YOU failed to deal with your low self esteem? This month, if you can think of one excuse why something can't be done, you can think of 100 as to why. Fill your mind with thoughts of accomplishment, not defeat. You can easily build your self-confidence by learning and taking ACTION! Identify the place of the excuse and began to attack it like a bear eating honey. Do your absolute best and remember, any excuse is a bad excuse. You have the capabilities to accomplish great things, so DO IT!
Please join us every Tuesday @ 7pm est for our Transformational Conference call! We have a blast! Myself, Shonta Prince, a dynamic speaker & special guests. You will expand your thinking beyond limitations and leave with action steps. Please call 712-432-0111 ext 901054# to join us.
Have a Winning Day!!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
WORLD WAKE UP!!!! Whowee, I am excited and ready for such a great and powerful day! I am feeling super and highly energetic! Let's talk about boot camp! So when you think of boot camp, I'm sure you think of the military in their sweats running and chanting. I'm sure you can visualize the drill Sergeant yelling at the new recruits from the of his lungs, DROP AND GIVE ME 20! I'm sure you can see the new young recruit with a look of determination to get through boot camp. It only takes six weeks of vigorous training to equip you for a life time of change. In boot camp, it's not only physical, but it's mental. It's training the mind to over come obstacles, focus on the task at hand and conquer distractions. In boot camp, you must consistently tell your mind, I can do this, I can't fail, I must finish my course. Some folks will not make it. So, where am I headed with all of this? Let's do a Boot Camp of the Mind! Mental Makeover 2010. Be aggressive in crashing that old way of thinking and creating new beliefs. The old way of thinking symbolizes bondage, limitation, fear, procrastination,lack, negative relationships, failed goals etc. When you perform a massive mental makeover, it symbolizes achievement, wealth, wonderful relationships, better communicators and my favorite ACTION! So, with that said, let me give you a little mental workout for the next seven days. You can start tomorrow and give yourself time to rest today. Wake up one hour earlier...! I can hear you screeching :). Wake up one hour earlier and read a book or article on anything that deals with increasing your self development. After you have read for an hour, take 15 minutes to write a paper on what you have read. You're thinking, I have been out of school for 20 years, give me a break. Hey, it's about change. Once you finish reading, take a 15 minute walk, workout or your exercise choice and talk to yourself about what you've just read and written. That's an hour and 1/2 that you are putting new information into your mind and saturating your thought paradigm. If you do this for seven straight days, that will be 10.5 hours of mind training a new area of attraction and creation. If you complete this for a month, that's over 40 hours of mental conditioning. Here's the clicker, will you get off your duff and do it? Or will you make excuses as to why you can not be consistent. Unless your life is perfect and you are already at the ultimate level, make a decision. Commit with us! Oh, let your new communication reflect application of the new info. Don't just read it, be it! I'm sure you are thinking...well, I don't have a book...again, articles, websites, etc. Ahaaaaa, there is no excuse. Alright soldiers, gear up and move out. Front liners take action, side liners provide the talk and cheer. Which are you? Hey you can't win from the sidelines... get in the game
Have a winning day!
TUESDAY NIGHT CONFERENCE CALL, FEB 2 @ 7pm est! 712-432-0111 ext 901054# Call in!
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