WORLD WAKE UP!!!! Whowee, I am excited and ready for such a great and powerful day! I am feeling super and highly energetic! Let's talk about boot camp! So when you think of boot camp, I'm sure you think of the military in their sweats running and chanting. I'm sure you can visualize the drill Sergeant yelling at the new recruits from the of his lungs, DROP AND GIVE ME 20! I'm sure you can see the new young recruit with a look of determination to get through boot camp. It only takes six weeks of vigorous training to equip you for a life time of change. In boot camp, it's not only physical, but it's mental. It's training the mind to over come obstacles, focus on the task at hand and conquer distractions. In boot camp, you must consistently tell your mind, I can do this, I can't fail, I must finish my course. Some folks will not make it. So, where am I headed with all of this? Let's do a Boot Camp of the Mind! Mental Makeover 2010. Be aggressive in crashing that old way of thinking and creating new beliefs. The old way of thinking symbolizes bondage, limitation, fear, procrastination,lack, negative relationships, failed goals etc. When you perform a massive mental makeover, it symbolizes achievement, wealth, wonderful relationships, better communicators and my favorite ACTION! So, with that said, let me give you a little mental workout for the next seven days. You can start tomorrow and give yourself time to rest today. Wake up one hour earlier...! I can hear you screeching :). Wake up one hour earlier and read a book or article on anything that deals with increasing your self development. After you have read for an hour, take 15 minutes to write a paper on what you have read. You're thinking, I have been out of school for 20 years, give me a break. Hey, it's about change. Once you finish reading, take a 15 minute walk, workout or your exercise choice and talk to yourself about what you've just read and written. That's an hour and 1/2 that you are putting new information into your mind and saturating your thought paradigm. If you do this for seven straight days, that will be 10.5 hours of mind training a new area of attraction and creation. If you complete this for a month, that's over 40 hours of mental conditioning. Here's the clicker, will you get off your duff and do it? Or will you make excuses as to why you can not be consistent. Unless your life is perfect and you are already at the ultimate level, make a decision. Commit with us! Oh, let your new communication reflect application of the new info. Don't just read it, be it! I'm sure you are thinking...well, I don't have a book...again, articles, websites, etc. Ahaaaaa, there is no excuse. Alright soldiers, gear up and move out. Front liners take action, side liners provide the talk and cheer. Which are you? Hey you can't win from the sidelines... get in the game
Have a winning day!
TUESDAY NIGHT CONFERENCE CALL, FEB 2 @ 7pm est! 712-432-0111 ext 901054# Call in!