Hello World!!! What are limits? Limits are defined as final, utmost, or furthest boundaries. Where did limits come from? FEAR! Who put them there? Environment and wrong thinking! Who taught you to think wrong? FEAR. You can do anything! You should get excited about your vision and your goals. Bust through the limits and stretch your arms wide and shout I'm FREE! Don't sentence yourself to LIFE in the limited thinking prision.
Your business, your idea and your mind can achieve whatsoever YOU believe is possible. That's the key word, believe. What or who shapes your belief system? When you began a task, do you hear the voice of your mother, old school teacher or boss whispering, you can't do that? Perhaps that voice is saying, you're not smart enough, your family isn't rich enough, or who do you think you are? Perhaps the little voice is saying, why can't you be like everyone else. (Now, that's a limitation...being like everyone else). Where did limited thinking derive? My conclusion, people will guide you based on their thinking. If someone is full of fear and limitation, how can they possibly tell you the sky is your limit? Seriously, can they tell you that your dreams are reachable? Don't allow a prison voice to be your guide...get with the winners.
Surround yourself with the no limit thinkers. Get in the energy of the movers and shakers. Change your scope to those who are the recession busters, creating income and cash flow. Get in the mix of those that are pursuing divine health and speaking peace. Start talking with eagles instead of the chickens. Yes, both of them have feathers, but their purposes are completely different. The chicken is designed to run around in the back yard and eat the chicken feed while the eagle is destined to fly higher than any other bird. A chicken relies on a person (the chicken manager aka chicken boss) to feed him. In other words, that chicken waits for a hand out so he can eat. An eagle realizes that no one has the ability to feed him like his appetite requires so he hunts for the best quality meal.
When a chicken is promoted, he is promoted to a chopping block. When an eagle is promoted he trains other eagles and develop his keen sense. A chicken eats chicken feed, aka a bunch of stuff (being nice)... an eagle has a strong robust appetite and dines on duck and fresh fish. An eagle could not survive on chicken feed. A chicken steps in his poop all day, but not the gliding eagle. The eagle glides in the crisp clean air and has a better view of the world, while the chicken views the dirt, ground, and runs into other chicken mates. You can tell when a chicken has been around, it smells and there are feathers everywhere. When was the last time you saw eagle feathers? The world looks forward to eating chicken for dinner, but who dines on the eagle. In other words, limitation eats fear for dinner, but it will choke if it bites into boldness.
I use this analogy so you can decide if you are an eagle or a chicken. Are you waiting for a handout or are you creating a path for others to follow. Are you settling for mediocrity or are you annihilating low level thinking and low self esteem. Be an eagle today and take the limits off! You deserve to fly and fly high. Start flapping your wings of success and take off. Be like the eagle and mount up and spread your wings. Release the limits today and remember, you can do anything you set your mind to do. Get a plan, get your goals and email me if you want to go from the chicken feed to the duck a la carte :).
Join me each Tuesday @ 7pm as we Banish LIMITS on our conference call. You can call 712-432-0111 code 901054#. Remember,the cage was made for the chickens... get off the farm ...be set free and be who you are destined to be.
Your Winning Partner,