Morning World!!! Do you like the beach picture of Aruba? Just wanted to warm you up a bit if you are in a snowy place. There is a saying that all good things must come to an end. I asked myself, why? Do all good things come to an end...absolutely not! It just begins. While things in our lives have cycles and seasons, it is imperative that we refuse to live by those limiting factors. If there is something in your life that comes to an end, rejoice for newness can appear!
Your view of your world will yield exactly what you view. Now that you have a new beginning, what will you create? To create means to cause to come into being; evolve from one thoughts or imagination. You have a new day, a new chance to create something great and wonderful. Use the power of a positive imagination to create a new life, attitude and way of living for yourself. Why settle for a mediocre when you possess all the faculties to bring "the thing" into existence. Elevate your mind and your thoughts to creating a life that you enjoy.
I view every day as a day of creation! I have the opportunity to create new experiences, new friendships, new dreams, new goals and a new life. There is no limit to what we can create and when we can create it. I am so enjoying the boot camp for the mind! I have taken it to another level beyond the one hour early. I see massive results. Remember, things change when you change. Brand yourself with a new creation. I strongly believe in tithing and giving. It is a universal fact that what you give out/away you will receive back. It's amazing how things can come back to you and whom it chooses to come through. To my point, I gave away all of my summer clothes. I wanted to put the extreme giving to the test. Well, with that said, I have the ability to create a new summer wardrobe full of vibrant colors and new designs. I shared that with you to show how easily we can create what we desire. Today, bring something to an end in your life so that you can create a new beginning. You can begin again! Hey, let today be a do over day.
Committed to Winning in Life,