Coach Tisha Speaks on Mastering Obstacles in Life

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

GOOD MORNING WORLD!!! What a wonderful day to CELEBRATE! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Listen, as we transition over to another year, let's make a choice to rewrite our destiny and the future of someone else. How do you rewrite the future of someone else, you speak a word of hope, increase, life, light and love into their life. Speak a thought or phrase that will change their life for forever or at least give them something to ponder on. Plant that seed and let it grow in their mind. It's not the volume of words you speak, but the quality of what you say. Live life, enjoy the moment of now and remember, you are a powerful vessel. We are all full of light, love and peace, so express it. We are great vessels with a powerful message hidden within us. What is your message? What will you tell the world? Your message is your life and your attitude. I speak that you will live it, be it and encourage it.

Have a blessed and abundant Christmas. Jesus is the ultimate and only reason for this season. We celebrate HIS life on this day. Celebrate and enjoy all of His wonderful gifts. We are powerful beings.

Forever a Winner,

Monday, December 14, 2009


Today is the first day of the rest of my life! WOW, what an expression and what a way to start this week. Well, let me jump in there and get straight to the core on the thoughts of a winner. Thoughts are defined as mental activity. In other words, the things you think about daily, focus on and dwell in. Your thoughts produce your visible reality. It's an invisible realm that manifest in a visible realm. You must guard what you allow to enter into your mental activity. Don't allow your mind to wonder on the negative aspects of the past and live there. If you do, then you are stuck. Let's be real, how many of us talk about about past events, that we know we can't change, but we continue to talk about it. Well, ask yourself, what part did you play? When you talk about the past are you blaming and criticizing the other people involved? In order to heal, you need to criticize and critique how you could have handled things differently. Selfish people blame, transformed people take responsibility. I come to serve notice that as long as you are talking about a negative past, you are wounded and will never experience healing or move forward until you release it from your spirit (mind).
We find so many instances in the bible, especially in the new testament where Jesus healed and told them "Go and sin no more." In other words, do not return to the activity and limited mindset that cause that condition in the first place. The root of all illness is in the mind (that's for another day). Yesterday, I spent almost 12 hours detoxing my mind from a negative situation that I allowed to enter into my mind and energy. I forced myself to read three positive books to free my spirit from thinking and dwelling on that burden. It wasn't even my own personal situation, it belonged to other people, but I allowed it in my mental activity and it consumed me. The end result, we must actively be aware to guard our mental activity from negative, toxic ideas, thoughts and relationships. Instead, allow our mental activity to run rampant with thoughts of winning, achieving, success, growing in the word, expanding our borders, increasing our lives and those around us. Fill your mind with thoughts of accomplishing great things and finishing what you start. Get that mental activity on your goals. Remember, we are what we think. If you are thinking about the problems of another, you become consumed with that burden. Release it now! Encourage those around you to develop a mind of a winner. If they refuse, it's ok, but don't allow them to consume you any longer.
This week, I was sharing with a business partner about how God spoke to my heart and told me that I would be a transformer. When I speak, the words from my mouth would transform lives and invoke increase, growth, change and accountability in less than 60 seconds. I only speak from experience and growth. Now, that's a big task, but the gift has always been there from birth. So I send out a divine announcement that in 2010, we begin full force, no limits, no stops. Let's begin a new life, new mindset and build roots of greatness in our minds. My role at this point in your life is to midwife your transformation. Your problems are not my priority any more, but your transformation is. Guess what, the root of all your problems is you. Ouch, that hurts. Until you stop blaming your husband, boss, pastor, choir director, mama, the bank teller and everyone else, you will stay stuck and full of toxic energy. Take responsibility and lets grow in transformation.

I love all my readers, followers, twitter and face book family. You all have encouraged me greatly. I have a mandate to bust up that old way of thinking and speak new seed for new ground. I'm excited about the national and international doors that have opened in 2010 for me to spread the message of transformation. My first speaking engagement starts December 30 in Wilmington, NC. Many have asked, how can I sow financially into your work. The message of change has transformed my life, well I have a pay pal link below. Just click the link and make your secure donation. Your donations are appreciated but not pressured. We are winners and we always win.

Your Bold, Winning Transformer,
Tisha Bell

Monday, December 7, 2009

Why Are YOU Afraid to Change

Hey, why are you afraid to change? That's a question I am asking myself in some areas of my life. Think about this, we keep making the same mistakes, but yet we do nothing different. Is it because we don't know any better or we refuse to do better? Perhaps, the chicken of fear prevents us from taking the first step. Everything I preach, I live or should I say, I live what I preach, lol. Regardless, we must not be afraid to change. Superimpose that old way of thinking for new ideas and strategies, upgrades and a better way of doing things. Let's break it down, and I promise not to write a book. You have a problem with wasting your money. Each month, you fall short of paying bills and the entire drama of financial stress steps in. Ok, if you know that you are struggling financially, then why don't you get help? I'm talking, a debt counselor, perhaps a financial book or a budget. Why do we go on year after year with no change? I totally speak from past experience. I realize something when it comes to changing; When we become enlightened, we find a better way and new way of doing things. We now become accountable in our spirit to doing the right thing always. Think about this, if you went to financial counseling and got knowledge on how to handle your finances and refused change, you know you would beat yourself up. Every time you'd make a purchase, that little voice would say, now you know better. Now, hear comes the guilt and the mental battle. So then it becomes deeper than just that. Why are you refusing to change and do things differently even when you have new information? Where is the breakdown of the new information not sinking in? What's cause the rejection of the better way of living? Why would you allow the stronghold of distressed living take root in your life? Why are you having a mental battle over doing something that you know will change your life for the better? Well, I have come to the conclusion that it's simply fear. Yes, fear will paralyze you and keep you from actively engaging in better choices. Why, because we are comfortable with the old way of doing things wrong. While the old way may not be working, and we know that it's wrong, fear produces a comfort zone. I speak totally from experience. Over the last year, I have had to force my mind to engage in different ideas, beliefs, philosophies and much more. Why, because the old way wasn't working in certain areas of my life and I knew it. But, I held on too it because it was comfortable. You know, a good friend of mind sent me a message and he said, I have your back. He said, no matter what you do or the business risks you take, I got you. I said, wow... I wonder if he knows how big my back is :). Well, the old me would have said, yeah right. People don't care about me, they only want something, money, gifts or whatever I can produce. BUTTTTT, the transformed me said, I appreciate God allowing you to encourage me and walk a portion of this journey with me. Whether for a lifetime or a season, I thank God that he has you as an angel assigned to hold me up when I am weak. Man, I could not even believe that was even my first thought. That's the real process of change, allowing the first thought to produce the right result. There are areas of my life I am still changing in, everyday. Change is a life long process, but it's one that I enjoy. Someone said, it's easier said then done, I disagree. While it is a process, it's about you making a decision to stomp fear and embrace the limitless power God has for your life. I choose to change, what about you? Besides, do you want to become a stale lump on log that no one wants to be around or change and become the image of Lord? You know, the greatest foundation for my change was really learning to love myself. Understanding that God truly loves me and He wants the best for my life. When I truly began to love me, I didn't feel that others were using me or being negative against me. I understood that love was working in my life in all areas. See, my first level of change was forgiving myself of engaging in old ways of thinking and loving me enough to change for the greater. Do you love yourself enough to come out of debt? Do you love yourself enough to make new friendships? Do you love yourself enough to go after your dreams and hearts desire? Do you love yourself enough to learn something new without being fearful of what others will think. I know, today I asked a lot of questions, but I guess we all need answers. Love yourself enough to change, because your change will causes others to love you even the more and express their gratitude towards you in a more loving way. I believe and I'm not expert by any means, so let me release that disclaimer. I believe the reason for bad relationships, even divorce, financial abuse, crime, negativity, lack and all the bad things, is an absence of self-love on some one's part. So when someone hurts you or you feel that you can't accomplish something, perhaps people are responding to you negatively, stop and ask yourself, have I told me that I love me today. Do I appreciate me and love me on today? Am I showing true love or am I expressing fear in someway? You will find that when you truly exemplify appreciation for yourself, not arrogance, but appreciation, others will respond with love. So, I love you and I love meeeeeeeeeeeeee. Most importantly, God loves us all the best!

Always on the winning side,

Saturday, December 5, 2009

TELLING ON ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELLLOOOOOOOO WORLD!!! I am a little tired today :)!! However, I plan to pull greatness out of this day like juice from a Florida orange. I'm excited because I see the manifestation of change in my life. I am so glad about it. WHOWEE. OK, let's reflect on this week. This was a winning week, met new contacts, deals and much more. You will find that I will not talk about my professional business as much because I don't want to put the cart before the horse or should I say, the engine before the Bentley. Hey, ain't no horses over here!!!! But Business went well! Let's talk about the lessons I learned. The power of my strength lies in my ability to rest and to rest well. I have a ritual, I do not talk to people after 7pm at night, UNLESS, I know the person is positive or motivating. I'm specifically talking about on the phone etc. You know, what you talk about a few hours before you sleep can interrupt your sleep. You will have dreams about that person or conversation. I had to stop. Naturally being a "psychologist" people tend to talk to me about their problems. Well, I understand that, because I'm easy to talk to, so I've been told and I like to offer wisdom, if I can in a situation. But, I found out over the year, I would be on the phone to 2 &3 in the morning, talking about people's problems, gossip, and everything else. Honey, you talking about having nightmares, LOL!!!! I also realize that their problems were getting in my subsciousness and really affecting the way I thought about life, etc. So, I had to... SHUT IT DOWN!!! YEP. I listen in moderation. I also do not discuss any problems before I go to bed. I read things that I want to dream about. Such as, the Holy Bible, changing the world, changing my mind... and you know, making mulah! I'll read about what it takes to build a great marriage, communication, raising kids. I'll watch a show on real estate or Wayne Dyer. I'll read my goals and command my dreams to give me solutions. I'll read my Power Mindset book from my power coach, Madeline. I will even read something extravagant like my big vision and dream of that. You know, we live in another dimension in our dream world. I won't go into that, you will have to wait for the seminar :). But what you dream is actually real. So if I'm dreaming about the fact that you got fired from a job that you hated all night long, can you see how that will affect me in my day to day operations. Or if I'm dreaming about the fact that bills can't be paid and how the world is in a recession, can you see how that would inhibit my creativity. So now, I have to war with my mind all day long about the recession and my business. So, when I get a business idea, I now have to fight my mind because it will say, it won't work, because we are in a recession. Then the battle begins because I have filled my mind with negativity, that a positive idea has no chance of survival. So I work on creating dominant thoughts of things that I desire. Trust me, when I have a problem, my first instinct is to pick up the phone and call someone and talk about it. That's fine, if you call someone who will give you a solution or encourage you to look at it differently. Now on the flip side, when I call my winner's circle about a new idea or real estate venture, they'll say, let's get it done. Just their conversation will hold me accountable for doing what I say I'm going to do. Now our conversations become about achievement and action plans, not the Tiger Woods drama. I realize a wining success team is a must if you want to achieve great things. I am surrounded by the best people in the world and I try to be the best for those I support as well. Let's change that old losing attitude to a winning attitude and start attracting more winners into our life. You will find that you will meet new people, embrace it. You might even connect with an old friend who's tranformed their thinking, welcome it. Transform that thinking and do the winners dance with us. WE ARE WINNERS, NOT WHINERS, LOL!!!! I am a living witness that you can superimpose your old way of thinking to a new way of thinking and get results. As the Apostle Paul speaks of in the bible, putting off the old man. Setting sail for a new world of thinking.

Always on the winning team

Friday, December 4, 2009


YES, I GAVE UP!!!!!!!! I gave up failure. I quit at being a quitter, certainly you didn't think I was going to quit on my dreams, destiny, goals and vision? Please, I have set my mind to win and so should you. This morning, I was reading and studying on the word trust and abundance. As I explored the word, I had to ask myself, can I be trusted to always obey God? Can I be trusted to always think like a winner? Can I be trusted to remove obstacles that are sure signs of failure in my life even if it means losing friends, family and those I care about deeply? Or can I be trusted to put off my hearts desire to fulfill an assignment or a task. Can I really be trusted. Can I be trusted to return a phone call when I say I will or stick to my workout plan when I feel like giving up? That was powerful, I had to really do some soul searching and guess what? OK, you all know this is about me being brutally honest with myself in hopes to help someone else. If it doesn't help you, then you will just know all my business, which will eventually come out when I run for mayor :). Seriously, I found a lot of areas in my life where I was not trustworthy!!! Yes, in the little things and the big things! Now, I'm not calling myself a liar to others, but at least to myself. I told myself that I would always think and act like a winner, commit to winning is what I said. Yesterday I found my self socializing during work hours. Didn't return important phone calls and accurately guard my time. What did you think I was going to say? LOL. While we often say, well it's just a day or I can do it tomorrow, guess what, I realize I'm connected to a bigger vision. It's not about me, but a connection of winners that are connected to me. Hey, quitting is not an option for me at this point in life. When it rains, I'm still in the parade. When it snows, I just dress heavier, but I must keep moving and so should you. I said the other day, you must educate yourself in the place of failure. Find out where you truly suck at and start getting knowledge there. Knowledge defeats ignorance and that old stupid way of thinking. I laugh sometimes when I see how crazy I would think. I'm so glad now that I have been enlighten and still young enough to enjoy the fruits of this lifestyle. Please understand, I have to make myself at times to get it together. Overall, it's a becoming way of thinking that I appreciate. So let ALLLLLLLLLLLLL The WINNERS Jump up and shout, I AM A WINNER! Listen, I bust down barriers, obstacles and defeat. I stand in the face of my enemy and tell him to get out of my way. We are destined to rise to the top. Make a commitment to do something different today that you did not do on yesterday. Today, I'm focusing on really being trustworthy in everything I commit to. Guess what I have myself on a financial fast and Daddy Starbucks will not get a dime from me. Yeah, I love Starbucks :). So I'm going to trust myself to follow through with that goal. Now, it's not about the 3.00 coffee, what's that really? Well, 3.00 over a month's time is 33 bucks. I could buy 4 books from Amazon that will give me knowledge to turn that 33.00 investment into $33,000K. I'm speaking from experience, or over a years time it's almost 400 bucks. What debt could my coffee habit pay off? What investment could that coffee habit yield interest on. WOW, I'm glad I'm not a smoker, but I wonder how many broke people smoke a million dollars away, literally. OK, enough, BACK to the Winner's zone. Have an absolutely positive and wonderful day. May you conciliate into a realm of winning on this day. Always a trusted winner and on the winning side.

Committed to Winning, cause Failure is in my past!!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


WHOOOOOWEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Let's shout the sound of victory. I'm excited about this great day. Great things happen when we all stand in expectation of what we desire. I stand in a positive attitude for wonderful things to happen. I'm not walking around with my head hung down or my face in the ground, why... I'm a WINNER! You know it takes 21-30 days to form a new habit. What habits are you forming? I'm forming the habit of thinking, talking and acting like a winner. I'm taking on the mindset of victory. As we triumph over great trials, we step with the force of the over comer. Examine your thoughts more deeply on today and see where you mind takes you. I'm focused on where I am headed and where I am . I am focused on my destiny and my goals. I'm focused on God's plan for my life. I'm focused on building solid friendships and rebuilding family bonds. I'm focused on helping others in the best possible way. Friends, hold me accountable to think and act like a winner. Let's all rise to the top and make it happen. I'm reading the Power Mindset Book by Madeline Alexander, here in the picture. It's changing my life and my mastermind's group! We are all committed to winning and being the best possible people we can be.

Committed to Winning Always!!!!
Tisha Bell

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

SERIOUSLY SHIFT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOD MORNING WORLD!!!!!! Are you ready for me, because I am ready for you! This morning, I am going to take some time to really develop my mind mentally. I'm pushing new information in my mind and consciously forcing out the old outdated information. Bust up that no-result way of thinking. This morning, I want to talk about a serious shift. Guess what, for years, people have always been attracted to my energy, positive outlook and vibrant personality. Most of the time, I was always the leader in the group. You know, we are always comfortable hanging around people who do not intimidate us or push us out of the comfort zone. It's easy to be friends with a person who does not challenge our limiting mindset or our crazy way of thinking. It's easy to love someone who lets you abound in mediocrity living and a lazy way of living. But one day, I heard someone say, you are a sum total of the people you hang around. He also said, the people you hang around will determine your salary, marriage, etc. So, if the people in your inner circle are making 20,000 a year, well in five years, that is what you will be making. Forget the fact that you are striving to do better, if you don't expand your friendships, you will not be subconsciously pushed to new heights and levels. So over the past couple of years, I had to make some changes. Some people I had to let go, the relationship was toxic. Some people I had to transition from because I was developing a mindset to achieve greater. I remember in October 2007, I joined a professional organization, which was in a field I studied in but did not work in. I was literally afraid. First of all, the cost alone to join would intimidate most people in my circle because we all thought the same way. That old limiting, that's too much. I made a decision in 2009, I would not spend more in clothes, cars, purses or travel until I spent that same amount developing my mind and training. I can buy a pair of shoes for 50.00 and the heel break, I'm out of luck. But if I buy a book from, I have access to knowledge for life. Second, I was networking with people who's base salary was 100K min a year in my profession, and third, I knew I belong here, but I still felt intimated. When I joined SHRM, I was making a decent, limiting salary! Even though I had degrees, I love the Lord and was a positive person, my subconscious way of thinking was driving me into limitations and I didn't even realize it. Well, guess what, I shifted my mind, worked on my confidence and got involved in the organization. I remember reading a book recommended by a co-worker that shifted my mind so much, I got back in my A-game. I said, wait a minute, Latisha, it's time rise up from here. See, that's what happens when you get knowledge, it enlightens you to make changes. I took a look around and said, it's time to SHIFT! Well, by April of 2008, my salary had tripled! Yes, it did. Why am I telling you this, because when I stepped out of the comfort zone of the follower mindset and shift with the big players in the industry I wanted to be in. I began to develop wealth habits and learned to operate in that zone. Now, don't get me wrong, God's favor is always on my life. But you can't access favor with wrong information or a low way of thinking. Hey, Talk about a real SHIFT!!! YEP, SHIFT HAPPENS, NOT JUST... The only way up from here is UP! I'm still shifting and challenging myself everyday, so I feel you. So I say to you this morning, and even myself, go to a place of intimidation and uncomfortable and challenge your mind to shift. Yesterday I went to a luncheon (alone and a little scared, truth be told :), immediately I met a real estate broker (young lady millionaire) who's on the board of Real Estate Investors. Immediately we clicked, why, we both have the same mentality. :) It's the largest one in the state and perhaps the southeast, based here in Atlanta. For the few months, I had thought about going, but I knew in my mind, it would push me out of my comfort zone. You know how it goes, we make excuses to support our failure and lack of achievement. Let's just be real. Ha ha, I got pushed alright. She gave me her card and said I have two free passes, when you come to the meeting I will show you around and introduce you to other board members. FAVOR AGAIN. But keep in mind, for the past two year, I have been working on elevating my mind, reading books, working with my power coach, taking action and forcing my mind to go into the place that I desire. My purpose is to live the best possible life God has for me, what's yours? I live to inspire other and challenge them to break limits by example, what about you? Some of my friends are now shifting and I looooove it. It inspires me to hear them say they are working on their goals and moving forward, I love that. We inspire each other. So my friend, remember, real winners hang with the top performers and not lazy folks that do not want to be challenged. I got a text from a friend of mind in Detroit this morning, around 5:30am. He said, thanks for always giving me the facts. Educate yourself in the place of your failure and grow in success. Whether that failure was a job, a relationship, business, marriage, children, cooking, or driving. Get knowledge, walk in love, get with the power coach & my friend, Madeline and bust up fear and stay on the winning team. I'm so excited we are on the winning team.

Committed to Winning,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dismiss the LOSER Mentality!!!! GOOD BYE LOSER

Today is an exciting and awesome day! Everyday I wake up with great anticipation of the wonderful and marvelous things that God has in store for me. It is his will that I prosper and be in excellent health. It's God's will that we excel to great and marvelous heights. No more playing small. I am taking the attitude of the winner in to every aspect of my life this day! Today I will focus on releasing the loser mentality. What is a loser- a loser is defined as a person who has failed at a particular activity. The Loser mentality is one who believes that his success is not warranted or guaranteed before he even gets started. Have you ever applied to a job and maybe you had some skills but not all of them and you made up in your mind that they wouldn't hire you? Have you ever wanted to test drive a car out of your price range and before you even went on the lot you felt like, they would escort you off? Or perhaps, you had an interest in a particular person but before you spoke to them you felt confident a rejection would be first? Well, that's the loser mentality. You make up in your mind before you even get started that you have already failed. Set high mental expectations of your self. Why create an outcome before you even get started. Work on your confidence and believe in yourself. Maybe your credit score or salary won't allow you to purchase the car, but ask yourself, how can I make this a reality. Let's work on educating ourselves in the place of failure so that it now becomes a success. Failure only exist in one place and that's the mind. I want my confidence to soar like an eagle, so no failure here. My past is not a track record of my future successes. I decide today that I am a success in everything that I do. I refuse to be defeated or fail. I take on the mentality of a winner and I work to achieve great victories. Let's not be afraid to go for the gusto! You are a WINNER! Hey, it doesn't matter what people say about you, really.... are they qualified to talk? A great confidence builder is telling yourself that you are a winner and you are on a winning team. Walk with your back straight and your head held high. Do not walk with your head hung or your face looking at the ground. It does not matter if you have been bankrupt, to jail, teenage mother, broke or just plain crazy. Hold your head up! I have been in situations where I was just embarrassed and guess what, I held my head up. I am grateful for family instilling in me that I should always be confident and hold your head up. So in the words of Tupac, rest in peace my brother, keep your head up!!! Drop that loser mentality, I can't say it enough, you are a WINNER... SHOUT...I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!