YES, I GAVE UP!!!!!!!! I gave up failure. I quit at being a quitter, certainly you didn't think I was going to quit on my dreams, destiny, goals and vision? Please, I have set my mind to win and so should you. This morning, I was reading and studying on the word trust and abundance. As I explored the word, I had to ask myself, can I be trusted to always obey God? Can I be trusted to always think like a winner? Can I be trusted to remove obstacles that are sure signs of failure in my life even if it means losing friends, family and those I care about deeply? Or can I be trusted to put off my hearts desire to fulfill an assignment or a task. Can I really be trusted. Can I be trusted to return a phone call when I say I will or stick to my workout plan when I feel like giving up? That was powerful, I had to really do some soul searching and guess what? OK, you all know this is about me being brutally honest with myself in hopes to help someone else. If it doesn't help you, then you will just know all my business, which will eventually come out when I run for mayor :). Seriously, I found a lot of areas in my life where I was not trustworthy!!! Yes, in the little things and the big things! Now, I'm not calling myself a liar to others, but at least to myself. I told myself that I would always think and act like a winner, commit to winning is what I said. Yesterday I found my self socializing during work hours. Didn't return important phone calls and accurately guard my time. What did you think I was going to say? LOL. While we often say, well it's just a day or I can do it tomorrow, guess what, I realize I'm connected to a bigger vision. It's not about me, but a connection of winners that are connected to me. Hey, quitting is not an option for me at this point in life. When it rains, I'm still in the parade. When it snows, I just dress heavier, but I must keep moving and so should you. I said the other day, you must educate yourself in the place of failure. Find out where you truly suck at and start getting knowledge there. Knowledge defeats ignorance and that old stupid way of thinking. I laugh sometimes when I see how crazy I would think. I'm so glad now that I have been enlighten and still young enough to enjoy the fruits of this lifestyle. Please understand, I have to make myself at times to get it together. Overall, it's a becoming way of thinking that I appreciate. So let ALLLLLLLLLLLLL The WINNERS Jump up and shout, I AM A WINNER! Listen, I bust down barriers, obstacles and defeat. I stand in the face of my enemy and tell him to get out of my way. We are destined to rise to the top. Make a commitment to do something different today that you did not do on yesterday. Today, I'm focusing on really being trustworthy in everything I commit to. Guess what I have myself on a financial fast and Daddy Starbucks will not get a dime from me. Yeah, I love Starbucks :). So I'm going to trust myself to follow through with that goal. Now, it's not about the 3.00 coffee, what's that really? Well, 3.00 over a month's time is 33 bucks. I could buy 4 books from Amazon that will give me knowledge to turn that 33.00 investment into $33,000K. I'm speaking from experience, or over a years time it's almost 400 bucks. What debt could my coffee habit pay off? What investment could that coffee habit yield interest on. WOW, I'm glad I'm not a smoker, but I wonder how many broke people smoke a million dollars away, literally. OK, enough, BACK to the Winner's zone. Have an absolutely positive and wonderful day. May you conciliate into a realm of winning on this day. Always a trusted winner and on the winning side.
Committed to Winning, cause Failure is in my past!!!!!