Today is the first day of the rest of my life! WOW, what an expression and what a way to start this week. Well, let me jump in there and get straight to the core on the thoughts of a winner. Thoughts are defined as mental activity. In other words, the things you think about daily, focus on and dwell in. Your thoughts produce your visible reality. It's an invisible realm that manifest in a visible realm. You must guard what you allow to enter into your mental activity. Don't allow your mind to wonder on the negative aspects of the past and live there. If you do, then you are stuck. Let's be real, how many of us talk about about past events, that we know we can't change, but we continue to talk about it. Well, ask yourself, what part did you play? When you talk about the past are you blaming and criticizing the other people involved? In order to heal, you need to criticize and critique how you could have handled things differently. Selfish people blame, transformed people take responsibility. I come to serve notice that as long as you are talking about a negative past, you are wounded and will never experience healing or move forward until you release it from your spirit (mind).
We find so many instances in the bible, especially in the new testament where Jesus healed and told them "Go and sin no more." In other words, do not return to the activity and limited mindset that cause that condition in the first place. The root of all illness is in the mind (that's for another day). Yesterday, I spent almost 12 hours detoxing my mind from a negative situation that I allowed to enter into my mind and energy. I forced myself to read three positive books to free my spirit from thinking and dwelling on that burden. It wasn't even my own personal situation, it belonged to other people, but I allowed it in my mental activity and it consumed me. The end result, we must actively be aware to guard our mental activity from negative, toxic ideas, thoughts and relationships. Instead, allow our mental activity to run rampant with thoughts of winning, achieving, success, growing in the word, expanding our borders, increasing our lives and those around us. Fill your mind with thoughts of accomplishing great things and finishing what you start. Get that mental activity on your goals. Remember, we are what we think. If you are thinking about the problems of another, you become consumed with that burden. Release it now! Encourage those around you to develop a mind of a winner. If they refuse, it's ok, but don't allow them to consume you any longer.
This week, I was sharing with a business partner about how God spoke to my heart and told me that I would be a transformer. When I speak, the words from my mouth would transform lives and invoke increase, growth, change and accountability in less than 60 seconds. I only speak from experience and growth. Now, that's a big task, but the gift has always been there from birth. So I send out a divine announcement that in 2010, we begin full force, no limits, no stops. Let's begin a new life, new mindset and build roots of greatness in our minds. My role at this point in your life is to midwife your transformation. Your problems are not my priority any more, but your transformation is. Guess what, the root of all your problems is you. Ouch, that hurts. Until you stop blaming your husband, boss, pastor, choir director, mama, the bank teller and everyone else, you will stay stuck and full of toxic energy. Take responsibility and lets grow in transformation.
I love all my readers, followers, twitter and face book family. You all have encouraged me greatly. I have a mandate to bust up that old way of thinking and speak new seed for new ground. I'm excited about the national and international doors that have opened in 2010 for me to spread the message of transformation. My first speaking engagement starts December 30 in Wilmington, NC. Many have asked, how can I sow financially into your work. The message of change has transformed my life, well I have a pay pal link below. Just click the link and make your secure donation. Your donations are appreciated but not pressured. We are winners and we always win.
Your Bold, Winning Transformer,
Tisha Bell