HELLLOOOOOOOO WORLD!!! I am a little tired today :)!! However, I plan to pull greatness out of this day like juice from a Florida orange. I'm excited because I see the manifestation of change in my life. I am so glad about it. WHOWEE. OK, let's reflect on this week. This was a winning week, met new contacts, deals and much more. You will find that I will not talk about my professional business as much because I don't want to put the cart before the horse or should I say, the engine before the Bentley. Hey, ain't no horses over here!!!! But Business went well! Let's talk about the lessons I learned. The power of my strength lies in my ability to rest and to rest well. I have a ritual, I do not talk to people after 7pm at night, UNLESS, I know the person is positive or motivating. I'm specifically talking about on the phone etc. You know, what you talk about a few hours before you sleep can interrupt your sleep. You will have dreams about that person or conversation. I had to stop. Naturally being a "psychologist" people tend to talk to me about their problems. Well, I understand that, because I'm easy to talk to, so I've been told and I like to offer wisdom, if I can in a situation. But, I found out over the year, I would be on the phone to 2 &3 in the morning, talking about people's problems, gossip, and everything else. Honey, you talking about having nightmares, LOL!!!! I also realize that their problems were getting in my subsciousness and really affecting the way I thought about life, etc. So, I had to... SHUT IT DOWN!!! YEP. I listen in moderation. I also do not discuss any problems before I go to bed. I read things that I want to dream about. Such as, the Holy Bible, changing the world, changing my mind... and you know, making mulah! I'll read about what it takes to build a great marriage, communication, raising kids. I'll watch a show on real estate or Wayne Dyer. I'll read my goals and command my dreams to give me solutions. I'll read my Power Mindset book from my power coach, Madeline. I will even read something extravagant like my big vision and dream of that. You know, we live in another dimension in our dream world. I won't go into that, you will have to wait for the seminar :). But what you dream is actually real. So if I'm dreaming about the fact that you got fired from a job that you hated all night long, can you see how that will affect me in my day to day operations. Or if I'm dreaming about the fact that bills can't be paid and how the world is in a recession, can you see how that would inhibit my creativity. So now, I have to war with my mind all day long about the recession and my business. So, when I get a business idea, I now have to fight my mind because it will say, it won't work, because we are in a recession. Then the battle begins because I have filled my mind with negativity, that a positive idea has no chance of survival. So I work on creating dominant thoughts of things that I desire. Trust me, when I have a problem, my first instinct is to pick up the phone and call someone and talk about it. That's fine, if you call someone who will give you a solution or encourage you to look at it differently. Now on the flip side, when I call my winner's circle about a new idea or real estate venture, they'll say, let's get it done. Just their conversation will hold me accountable for doing what I say I'm going to do. Now our conversations become about achievement and action plans, not the Tiger Woods drama. I realize a wining success team is a must if you want to achieve great things. I am surrounded by the best people in the world and I try to be the best for those I support as well. Let's change that old losing attitude to a winning attitude and start attracting more winners into our life. You will find that you will meet new people, embrace it. You might even connect with an old friend who's tranformed their thinking, welcome it. Transform that thinking and do the winners dance with us. WE ARE WINNERS, NOT WHINERS, LOL!!!! I am a living witness that you can superimpose your old way of thinking to a new way of thinking and get results. As the Apostle Paul speaks of in the bible, putting off the old man. Setting sail for a new world of thinking.
Always on the winning team