Hey, why are you afraid to change? That's a question I am asking myself in some areas of my life. Think about this, we keep making the same mistakes, but yet we do nothing different. Is it because we don't know any better or we refuse to do better? Perhaps, the chicken of fear prevents us from taking the first step. Everything I preach, I live or should I say, I live what I preach, lol. Regardless, we must not be afraid to change. Superimpose that old way of thinking for new ideas and strategies, upgrades and a better way of doing things. Let's break it down, and I promise not to write a book. You have a problem with wasting your money. Each month, you fall short of paying bills and the entire drama of financial stress steps in. Ok, if you know that you are struggling financially, then why don't you get help? I'm talking, a debt counselor, perhaps a financial book or a budget. Why do we go on year after year with no change? I totally speak from past experience. I realize something when it comes to changing; When we become enlightened, we find a better way and new way of doing things. We now become accountable in our spirit to doing the right thing always. Think about this, if you went to financial counseling and got knowledge on how to handle your finances and refused change, you know you would beat yourself up. Every time you'd make a purchase, that little voice would say, now you know better. Now, hear comes the guilt and the mental battle. So then it becomes deeper than just that. Why are you refusing to change and do things differently even when you have new information? Where is the breakdown of the new information not sinking in? What's cause the rejection of the better way of living? Why would you allow the stronghold of distressed living take root in your life? Why are you having a mental battle over doing something that you know will change your life for the better? Well, I have come to the conclusion that it's simply fear. Yes, fear will paralyze you and keep you from actively engaging in better choices. Why, because we are comfortable with the old way of doing things wrong. While the old way may not be working, and we know that it's wrong, fear produces a comfort zone. I speak totally from experience. Over the last year, I have had to force my mind to engage in different ideas, beliefs, philosophies and much more. Why, because the old way wasn't working in certain areas of my life and I knew it. But, I held on too it because it was comfortable. You know, a good friend of mind sent me a message and he said, I have your back. He said, no matter what you do or the business risks you take, I got you. I said, wow... I wonder if he knows how big my back is :). Well, the old me would have said, yeah right. People don't care about me, they only want something, money, gifts or whatever I can produce. BUTTTTT, the transformed me said, I appreciate God allowing you to encourage me and walk a portion of this journey with me. Whether for a lifetime or a season, I thank God that he has you as an angel assigned to hold me up when I am weak. Man, I could not even believe that was even my first thought. That's the real process of change, allowing the first thought to produce the right result. There are areas of my life I am still changing in, everyday. Change is a life long process, but it's one that I enjoy. Someone said, it's easier said then done, I disagree. While it is a process, it's about you making a decision to stomp fear and embrace the limitless power God has for your life. I choose to change, what about you? Besides, do you want to become a stale lump on log that no one wants to be around or change and become the image of Lord? You know, the greatest foundation for my change was really learning to love myself. Understanding that God truly loves me and He wants the best for my life. When I truly began to love me, I didn't feel that others were using me or being negative against me. I understood that love was working in my life in all areas. See, my first level of change was forgiving myself of engaging in old ways of thinking and loving me enough to change for the greater. Do you love yourself enough to come out of debt? Do you love yourself enough to make new friendships? Do you love yourself enough to go after your dreams and hearts desire? Do you love yourself enough to learn something new without being fearful of what others will think. I know, today I asked a lot of questions, but I guess we all need answers. Love yourself enough to change, because your change will causes others to love you even the more and express their gratitude towards you in a more loving way. I believe and I'm not expert by any means, so let me release that disclaimer. I believe the reason for bad relationships, even divorce, financial abuse, crime, negativity, lack and all the bad things, is an absence of self-love on some one's part. So when someone hurts you or you feel that you can't accomplish something, perhaps people are responding to you negatively, stop and ask yourself, have I told me that I love me today. Do I appreciate me and love me on today? Am I showing true love or am I expressing fear in someway? You will find that when you truly exemplify appreciation for yourself, not arrogance, but appreciation, others will respond with love. So, I love you and I love meeeeeeeeeeeeee. Most importantly, God loves us all the best!
Always on the winning side,