Hey WORLD!!! We had such a powerful conference call on Tuesday with myself, and our special guest Dr. Ron! Dr. Ron really talked about the Law of Attraction from a basic level, but really brought our some deep interesting facts. The Key to the Law of Attraction is not just thinking about what you want and reciting wonderful affirmations as we have been taught. Keep in minds, that's apart of the process, you must have that direction. It's not just meditating, having faith and visualizing the outcome. But here is the secret, I think I have figured it out. The secret is THE LAW OF ACTION! Get off your bodunkas and start taking action! Tackle those goals and bust them up! Listen up, your goal on the paper is just a goal on the paper until you work it! Work- put in the action, effort and force to accomplish the necessary task. I must say it, it's NOT the LAW OF ATALKING! So, let's get quiet, start writing and start doing! Use the untapped potential of that brilliant mind! I'm sure if you are like me, you have ten thousand goals and desire to conquer the world :). Just take it one goal at a time, focus your energy and effort. Start working the goal to activate the Law of Attraction. It's a hot topic, I couldn't resist jumping in there with it :). The Bible is full of Laws of Attraction. My favorite book for business success and kingdom growth is Proverbs. So, the Law of Attraction was here before we discovered it many years ago. It's the existence of why we exist. So let's start the Law of Action, Get moving and email me and let me know what you are producing. Hey, the seed in the bag doesn't produce until YOU break the soil, fertilize the ground and plant the the seed. That's right, your mind is full of ideas (seeds) but we must plant them in the earth realm, with our business ideas, strategic planning etc. The fertilization process is getting our mind condition for success; training that subconscious mind and gearing up for the beautiful ride :). So let's get cracking! I'll see all the action takers at the TOP!!!!!! Have a stellar day full of great, creative ideas and results.
Always a winner,