HELLO WORLD!!!! Good DAY! What an exciting and great day to be alive! It's an opportunity to tap into the unlimited potential that resides deep within and create something new. MAJOR Question, Are you INFESTED? Infestation means to inhabit (live) or overrun in numbers or quantities large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious. It also means to live as a parasite in or on. Are you infested with small, low level, low producing thinking? Think about this for a minute before you jump and respond :). Let's break this down even further. Is your mindset infested with negative thoughts and fear to the point that you are harming the full potential that you have to offer? Are you committing greatness suicide because your mind and actions are infested with fear. It's not always the big fears, but the little fears that I'm talking about. Are your relationships infested with toxic people that are infecting your greatness ability? When something is infested, it's threatening and comes in vast amount to cause dis-ease. This may be a little gross, but think about rats in a sewer flooding the place. I'm sure you would not want to have steak dinner in the sewer of your city, would you? So, why limit or infect your mindset with sewer thoughts? Don't allow it under any circumstance. Get out of the pit and reign in the palace where you belong. Some of us are not negative if you've been following me for a while, you have graduated from that. But, sometimes we are limited and that's worse. WOW, you can speak positive all day and smile and be cheerful, but if you allow the infestation of fear and procrastination keep you involved in busy, non-productive activities all day, what have you accomplished? Take authority and produce results. Go above and beyond! Your results will produce to you the reality of no limitations. What you produce at the end of each minute will visibly proclaim if you are a positive limited thinker and waster. Yeah, it's a bit much to swallow but we have to go there because we are winners. Trust me, I'm judging myself. Unlimited thinkers and achievers have solid results that follow their life. Listen, we sometimes attack people that are critical over our lives, but is there some truth to it? The criticisms could be the results of the infestation in our ability to produce sound results. If you keep having failed relationships, don't get mad, get rid of your infested relationship thoughts. If you are broke, don't get made, get to the core of the infestation and began to clean it! Get a mental moving truck, U-Haul, not We- haul, those limited thoughts and results out! We have vast potential, so let get moving. Now, how do you deal with an infestation in your life? Look at the place where you are the weakest? Look at the place where you keep getting the same, unwanted, mediocre results and began to attack it. If your vice is procrastination, then start taking action immediately on things instead of waiting. Stop it with the excuses. If your boo isn't treating you right, calibrate those thoughts to new realm of great thinking in that relationship. Make a decision today to detox your mind and ride aboard with the winning team. Please join me every Tuesday night @ 7pm EST on our Transformational conference call! We have a blast as we change the world by changing ourselves. 712- 432-0111 ext 901054#. Have a great day and SHOUT.. I'M A WINNER!
Dedicated to Winning,