HELLO WORLD! Wow, it's such a better place because you are alive and accomplishing great things I pray. How are your goals coming along for January? Have you written them down or are you recovering from the depression of the news media? Are you creating your future or living vicariously through pointless reality t.v.? Are you making a mark that can not be erase or thinking of new excuses as to why something can't be done? Are you serious about your success, or serious about living a mediocre life? Yeah, I have to constantly ask my self those questions and become my own judge and jury in the most brutal way. It's amazing how we love to assimilate with those who will support our non-productive behavior verses those that will keep it real and tell us the truth. Sometimes we gravitate to the friend who will say, well, "I understand" verses the friend who states; "Look, we all have issues, but get over it." My point, get out of the comfort zone, aka the snake zone, the choking of dreams. Now, under no circumstance do we accept negativity, but corrective talk is vital for growth. It's time to live a life without limits and purpose. You know, you are talking to a recovering excuse maker. Our excuses are lies to ourselves. We lie to our self because of the fear of what we have the ability to become. Perhaps you have been beat down mentally, or hurt. Get UP! You know, it can be a bit overwhelming knowing that you have to ability to become the president, but settle for becoming city council because you are fearful. Live in the absolute truth! You are a powerful person with brilliant ideas. Live in the truth, free of why something can't be done. Just do it! Challenge each excuse and lie you have ever spoken over your life with action. You can turn it around. Eliminate voices that validate your excuses and support mediocrity results in your life. Accelerate above the limitation and soar. Today, when you began that challenging goal, think of 21 reasons why and how you will accomplish your goal and just do it. Don't waste your time thinking of why it can't be done. Example, I want to be an Olympic sky diver (now I'm being outrageous, but hey, why not). I can think 10 reasons why that will not work without using any effort. Excuses such as, the Olympics doesn't have that category, I'm a woman, I'm black, in case you didn't know :), I don't have flight experience, I don't have a skydiving suit,I don't know how to get started, ohhhhh, the big one, I don't have the money, etc. But why not say, I will do what ever to accomplish my dream. If you have the mind power to think it, you can do it and be it! Annihilate all excuses! Get rid of them now. You will be free of energy and mind power. Shut up with the excuses, please! World, it's not an obstacle or a hater, it's just an excuse that you have created. As Always, we are all on the same winning team! A team of no excuses, only action and results. Bring the bacon home to mama or perhaps your big daddy, but just bring it!
Be sure to join us every Tuesday on our powerful conference call, where we just bring it!!! In your face, BAM! If you aren't motivated after Tuesday to accomplish great things, then I'm out of words for you, lol! Link up with us and it's free. Dial in number 712-432-0111 Code 901054#. Starts at 7pm EST.
Your Winning Partner & Success Cheerleader,