Hello WORLD!!!!!!!! Happy New Year! This is the year to win, dream and all the wonderful ideas and visions that we have. This is the first picture of me on New Years Eve. I had a four day speaking engagement and I challenged the people to expand their minds for greater!!! I am excited about this year because I am embarking upon new ideas and territory. I have the mindset of Lady WonderWoman. That's right, I am ready to conquer my realm. I'm excited about the Transformer program and conference calls that I host every Tuesday Night. Ok, so let's just jump in there with a new message for a new year. Let's see, 2009 is gone! Yipee! There were some people I left right in 2009 along with emotions, hurts, victories and triumphs. Let's create something new! Listen, we can't go into this year winning if we have losing mentalities connected to us. I am making a conscious decision to surround myself with winners and stay out of the comfort zone. I have big goals, big dreams and big ideas. What about you? What mark will you create in this outstanding year? How will your collective vision and dream make a difference? I want you to think big! This is not the time to play small! You have sooooo much on the inside of you and it's time for you to rise to the top. Just take it one step at a time. We were never destined to be bottom crawling dust eating creatures. Get out of that low-self esteem, low pit thinking. We were created to reign, rule and walk in authority. I am a ruler! Don't start the year off feeling sorry for yourself, no time for a pity party! Start the year off feeling strong and robust. Also, I am starting the month of January off as my love month! I am going to spread as much love as I possible can. Every opportunity that I have, I am going to say I love you and I appreciate you. I am going to make everyone that I come in contact with feel special and warm. Love drives out evil and it eliminates hate. So let's make this month a month of love and big dreams. If you are interested in finding out more about my transformation Tuesday conference calls and more, send me an email to tishbell@gmail.com.
I love me so much and I love you too! Let's stay in love this year, support each others dreams and really push each other to rise to the top.
Always a winner,