GOOD MORNING WORLD! I'm jumping in there this morning like a diver plunging into the the water! SPLASHHHHHH, Can you feel the excitement and energy? WHOWEEE, Jump with me, SPLASHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Listen, there is power in the I CAN, I AM and I WILL! There will be times when you feel like giving up, cussing folks out and perhaps slapping someone that's a negative dream killer. BUT, you need not fear or even think of the above strategies! Why, because you may land in jail and that's not apart of the vision :). Secondly, because you have the power to complete! Yes, there is finishing power in you. Let me help you really quick so that you can continue to bust through that negative obstacle course of non-believers :). If God has given you a business, dream, vision, idea, HE has given you the finishing power to complete it! Set your mind to finish and not give up regardless of the odds you face. Every time I get slapped with an obstacle as I do so often, I say... MONEY COMETH! Why, because the obstacle is a sure sign that my victory is going to be prosperous! When I face a negative person, family member, friend or colleague and I feel like screaming, I set my mind to say, I BELIEVE and THEREFORE I SPEAK! Why do I do that, you ask? It's because I am removing the negative emotion that comes along with the feeling of defeat. Defeat does not exist, its that emotion that you attach to it. Ok, we have all been there, why poor me. If you are there now, stop the foolishness and start with my first blog and get cracking. This is not the time for cry babies so get your butt up! You have too much in you to look for a pity party! STOP IT! OK, had to get that out :) I am turning around what looks like a bad situation and making it victorious for me! You can't fail! The only failure exist in your mind! Think about this, to others you look like a success, to some you look like a failure, but the question remains, how do you see yourself? Baby, I'm a WINNER! Develop your mind power in perseverance and determination. Use the power words of I CAN, I AM AND I WILL! Now, who's going to stop me? See, the deeper question remains and it is... it's not a matter of I WILL but WILL I? Yes, will you make it to the finish line and block out alllllllllll the negativity? Will YOU make a decision to look at your obstacles as money coming to you? Will you look in the face of the jealous person and say, I believe (because my mind is set for finishing) therefore I SPEAK! Let me further help you! Don't speak anything YOU do not believe! That's right! Before you start speaking, saturate your mind with the finish power of that business, idea, ministry, wealth etc. Let your mind and spirit get drench with victory before you even speak it! Then when you speak, NOTHING can STAND against a made up mind because you know that IT HAS COME TO PASS!!! Example time! I'm in the real estate business. If you don't like rejection, this is not the business for you. When one loan officer tells me no or my client, do I give up and say, well, I'm going to quit because that one person said NO! Absolutely NOTTTTTTTT! My mind is let's keep moving, and MONEY COMETH! That's right, I take that rejection as a sign that I was not meant to prosper in that relationship and I start speaking greatness so I can attract and I did say attract the right person for the right deal! I absolutely love this! Now, I admit, at first I use to keep Kleenex in my car for those little tears, lol! But now, I just might tell you MR. Banker, your rejection is a sure sign that you can't handle the power that I'm bringing! AND, if I'm feeling really BOLD, I'll go back with my check in hand and say, see Mr. Banker, you could have been getting these deposits, but you just weren't assigned to prosper with me. Ok, maybe that's a bit cocky, but hey :). You don't need a bail out, you need to get your mind focused! WHEW, I keep sidetracking. Notice, I did not say, it will come to pass from earlier :).. I said it has! Your ability to visualize your success before it happens, is a dimension of completion that we live on. Therefore, if I see finished, it must happen! That's why, if God gives you the idea, you must complete! So, with that say, stand up and look in that mirror with your fine self and say, I can finish my goal! I will complete the ACTION steps (again I said action) and I AM absolutely great, phenomenal and worthy of all the wonderful things that accompany this success! Can you feel the power? When you speak, the universe hears your plans! Other people hear your voice and they respond! Listen, today is the first day of the rest of my life! I CAN, I WILL AND I AM! After many obstacles, I have now tapped in to the secret of miracle power! Join me tonight if you can on this free powerful conference call that I host @ 7pm est. You can call into 712- 432-0111 , the conference code is 901054#. We have a blast every week! We are determined we are not stopping at all cost. The speakers on my call have proven results in the areas that we speak on and we are blazing forth! Tonight, we are bringing it! Super Energey beyond belief! I would tell you to get ready, but baby if you are not ready... CATCH UP! Stay READY! SHOUT... I AM A FINISHER!!!! MONEY COMETH!!!!!!!!!!! WHOWEEEEEE!!!!!
Hey winner, if you apply the above principles of today, you will get extraordinary results IMMEDIATELY! I absolutely can not wait to speak with you tonight and hear of the wonderful things that have come forth just on today! Guess what, immediate implentation of the above will yield on the spot results! Had to say it twice cause you didn't believe the first time. Keep it up!
Also, if this blog has been a blessing to you, your donations are great appreciated but not pressured! Have an abundant-filled day of victory and power!
Super Winner,