WHAT'S UP WORLD!!!!!!!! Good MORNING!!! What a powerful day to be alive in this wonderful world that God has created. Just take a moment to reflect on your blessings and the grace that you have. It doesn't matter what's going on, you have the power and strength to overcome and command things to change for greater. We all have so much to be grateful for! WHEW, I'm GRATEFUL!!!!! We are powerful people with wonderful ideas and strategies. That business idea that you have, stop sitting on it. Get off your tush and get to work! It's time! If you can dream it, think it or even consider it, you can do it! Bust through procrastination, turn your phone off, click the TV off and get busy with your vision. This is day 16 of the new year!!!!!!!! What have you done in 16 days? Well, what are you doing to do with the remaining? We all know how fast the year goes by. So with that said, get cracking and get moving! Focus on identifying people who waste your time and energy. The word waste is defined as to consume, destroy or employ useless. Also, without adequate return or profit. To fail to use, wear down or neglect. To destroy, devastate or ruin. OK, NOTHING GOOD or GREAT COMES FROM WASTE! NOTHING!!!! That old lazy spirit or should I say, just taking your time and thinking to long about that idea before you even consider action and then 5 years go by, THAT'S WASTE! Many times we say, well it's all divine timing. But seriously, what have you done that you can really say, I had that idea twenty years ago and I just took action last week and it was perfect. You can't! When you get an idea, it's a seed for that time or within a reasonable time frame! Quit fooling yourself, with vast amount of thinking, just start doing!
So the just of all of this... You have GREAT talents within, WHEW! Your mind is a fertile ground for ideas and increase. All things are possible to them that believe. DO you BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE NOT A WASTE? Look at that word waste and it's definition from above. If there is ANY part of your life, time, relationship, money, ideas, mind, etc. that you are wasting, re-evaluate! Please don't waste, destroy, ruin and have no return on that idea any more. Hey, got an excuse, you are a time waster. I got up early this morning to encourage you to NOT waste your time any more. Not even a second. Account for every moment. WOW!!!! How awesome we would be if we just took 24 hours and had a no waste day! Sowing seeds of greatness.
We have already experienced 16 days in the new year! Have you wasted anytime? Hey I'm a little guilty. I'm talking as little as a second? Did you waste precious sleep time wondering how you were going to take care of an expense? Did you waste precious sleep time thinking about a past relationship or daydreaming about something crazy. Did you waste or destroy time on an unproductive person that consumes your time? Did you invest in a problem that yielded no return? Did you fail to use all of your "God-given" talents and abilities because you were fearful? God does not waste time, the universe does not waste time and neither should you or I!
THIS IS THE TIME to EXPAND!!!!!! THIS IS THE TIME TO USE YOUR BEST! 2010 is my Year of No Waste. Let's not fool ourselves! REALITY CHECK! This can't be the year to win if you are wasting time, money, etc. Don't waste your time and don't you consume anyone else time with your issues. Let's not be the waster or the wastee! I expect greatness from the best of you! I am glad that we are on the winning team!
I have a year of power packed speaking events in which I am traveling nationally and internationally this year speaking the message of transformation and watering the seeds of greatness within! Please email me @ tishbell@gmail.com or follow me on twitter.com/latishabell to find out if I am coming to your area.
ALWAYS A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!
Tisha Bell