Good Morning WORLD!!!!!! Today is the absolute greatest day of your life. Let's redefine that, it's the greatest moment of your life. We must learn to live in the moment and enjoy the power of NOW! There is divine timing for everything, but we seemingly miss it because we are out of sync. Shift your mind and thoughts into alignment with the thoughts of God. Get focused and clear up the fuzziness in your mindset. Example, God has provided us an abundance of everything that we need and desire. We have no reason to be in lack, want or any deficiency. If we are experiencing that, we must shift our minds to align with his mind! God dwells in us, therefore, we are manifested beings of God's presence. Our conversation is a reflection of God's presence in us, our life style, our environment. When I look at the character of God, he has order, peace, love, wealth, abundance, intelligence wisdom and so much more. It is His ultimate plan that we enjoy the now moment of every aspect of our life. Sure, we will have barriers, but when I transpose my thinking to God's thinking, I realize there isn't a force or dynamic that can stand against the power of God. Let's be real, we all have challenges, but let's make up in our minds to give our challenge a challenge. In this year, I want the best and I will be the best. My self-image has been transposed. I no longer see myself as a victim or a little bumble bee, I see myself as victorious! I have greatness within me and so do you! We are GREAT people! We have minds which are rich fertile grounds for ideas (seeds). Let's start planting seeds in that rich fertile ground and let's reap a harvest. I have experience a paradigm shift and I am sure that you have too. I see greater in me! There is no limit to what I can be in this life. Why, because I am activating the power of my mind and intelligence. I am learning more, growing more and being more. I am putting into action the mysteries that are revealed into my mind. I'm allowing my mind to expand beyond the norm. Most people never pick up a book after college or high school. Haaaa, not I! I am expanding my mind so that I can maximize my greatness. I encourage you to read 30 minutes a day, anything that will enhance your career, mindset, finance, marriage, etc. You will be amazed at the new seeds of knowledge that you are planting in your mind. With continuous effort, you will experience a harvest. It's only 12 days in this new year and this has been the most powerful and amazing time of my life!!!!!!!! Whoweeee!!!! Every Tuesday, I host an empowerment call at 7pm, est. I entitle it Transformational Tuesdays. You can dial in at 712-432-0111, the conference code is 901054#. Experience a true paradigm shift from myself and others that have transformed their thinking and getting measurable results!
Always a Winner!