Thursday, December 23, 2010
2011- Your Best Year Ever?
Hello!!! 2011 can be your best year ever if you set the intention for it to be. I always hear a lot of people declare the new year is their year for new wealth, relationships, weight loss and everything else. Truth is, any year can be your best year if you release the blocks that are holding you back, take action on those inspiring actions and work your plan for results. So, will your 2011 mirror your 2010, 2009, 2008, etc? Connect with me in 2011! Visit and register for the Art of Intention Summit, learn how to release those blocks to your wealth, life and success forever! I have a powerful tele-summit coming up in January where I will teach you how to create powerful intentions (goals) for crystallized results.
It's not just enough to set a goal! I'm going to teach you a few secrets so this can truly be your best year ever!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Every Good Bye Welcomes a New Hello!
WOW! 2011 is just around the corner and ready or not, it’s coming! Will you be unstoppable this year or will this year be a reflection of your 2010? I’ve discovered something powerful in 2010 that has changed my life profoundly and it is my full intention to take it to another level in 2011. I learned that everything and I do mean everything from situations, to people, to jobs to clients, to you name it can only exist in my life if I give it permission.
The things I respond to, I give them permission to exist in my life. When I first encountered this, I was dealing with some pretty frustrating circumstances and I desperately wanted an answer of relief. I learned that situations might not change, but I can. I can choose to look at the storm as a destructive force designed to take me out OR I can look at it as a beautiful act of God that always brings new rain, new wind, new growth and new creation.
I learned that I am the creator of my reality and I have the choice to go with the flow of life or create the channel of life that I desire to flow in! It’s all about choice and loving yourself enough to make your “own” decisions. This is so vital to peaceful and abundant living!
As you enter into 2011, shift your belief system at a cellular level to become an irresistible magnet to the things that you desire! My clients are experiencing this transformation and loving the results. Regardless of the storm, remember you were created to win and to meet life victoriously!
It is my mission to empower you with ultimate energy and connect with you to make this your best year ever! Nothing happens until you make a decision to experience something greater. Guess what, lip service won’t do the job, it’s the inner knowing at the core of your mindset that will cause the ethers to produce that which you have been silently thinking! I look forward to connecting with you in 2011 as we transform our lives, dissolve barriers to success and thrust forward with passion, abundance and peace of mind!
Coach Tisha
© December 2010, Transformer Coaching, All Rights Reserved.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I'm excited about this great day of opportunity! My thought for today is BE Present! Show up fully in your business endeavors today. Show up in the fullness of your abilities, your gifts, your joy AND your enthusiasm. Whatever you set your mind and heart to accomplish on today, do it with ALL of your heart and mind power! Remember, you are the CEO of your life. Take charge and don't settle for less. You are more than deserving of all the best!
Hugs & Love,
Coach Tisha
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Just Flow!
Joy to the World!
Yes, that's right... Joy to the World (and it's not Christmas :)) What an exciting time to be alive with creative power and energy to magnetize anything that we desire. I bless you with peace and prosperity in all your endeavors today. I am extremely excited BECAUSE I am shortly releasing a NEW coaching program that will propel you to new heights! Over the past years and even so during the past twelve months, I have gone through transformation. Just so you can release anxiety, everyday of your life, something new will unfold for you. Don't worry, just trust in God!
See, life is not about reaching the destination, but it's about enjoying the process. I use to believe that is was about getting "there." Well, after all these years, I realize that there is no "there." BECAUSE, once I get "there," then it's another place to evolve. So let's connect and "INjoy" the process of becoming that which we are purposed to become to change the world. That's right! I am going to enjoy and INjoy the process. Get INvolved with the feeling of Joy!
My mission is to joyfully evolve into the being I was originally created to become without the limitations of I can't. I want to see myself and others as God sees us. Through his eyes we are unstoppable, loving, accomplished and serving. Together, we can change this world, by changing our lives and creating a new self image!
Hugs & Love,
Monday, September 20, 2010
If YOU haven’t closed a real estate deal this year, have fear about calling prospects, can’t seem to get your real estate system going, doesn’t seem like anything is working for you, can't make the connection, you can’t get the consistent cash flow, you went to the real estate seminar and now you're back at square one, signed up with the guru and it’s just NOT flowing, then...
Join me on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @ 7:00pm-8:45p...m Est. for my “Get-Up-And-Go” Real Estate POWER CALL.
As a passionate investor, I know exactly where you are! I want to show you only two strategies that will shift inner abundance and empower you to close deals quickly, manifest your money and eradicate the fear factor. NO, it’s not a new sales strategy, marketing approach or telephone script. I’m going to show you in two easy steps how to tap into the energy within you to COMMAND & MANIFEST your CLIENTS & BUYERS! That’s right, I said COMMAND & MANIFEST Clients & BUYERS & CLOSINGS! It’s soooo EASY!!!!! Truth is, you are already doing it, but you just might not be aware!
You know, it’s not the real estate system that’s the problem, it’s the energy you bring when calling prospects and moving through the closing process. Trust me; it took me months before I could even get a breakthrough in my business and I had the best of the best systems. I spent thousands of dollars in my business, had the websites and the pages, went to the networking events, and the list goes on... but I could not make the connection. BUT I LEARNED THE SECRETS TO MANIFEST and I want to share it with you! :)
YES, I am a real estate professional! I SHOW real estate professionals who struggle how to eradicate limiting beliefs and fear at the subconscious level and get desired results in their business quickly.
Click the link to register for a small investment of 29.95....
Hugs & Love,
FYI- Tuesday is my birthday... but I just spent a week, flew 1st class, stay at Trump Resort & Masterminded with 150 high level people from across the world in one room. The energy was awesome. It would be an awesome gift to share with you my personal manifesting secrets, so you can enjoy your real estate business to. :). Amazing blessings from above!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Prosperity is your Inheritance
My prayer for you today is the following.
Father, let this winner banish all anxiety, fear, and doubt from their life, cells, body, business and thought processes. Release the power of their subconscious mind to guide them with its infinite knowledge, ideas, wealth creation and winning strategies.
Allow this winner to experience financial increase to day in their business and daily affairs. I call forth, clients, contracts, mergers, acquisitions, franchises, real estate, cash flowing, wealth, opulence, money and massive success. I pray that the positive, power of the Law of Attraction is activated for the higher good of all in their life now.
You said in your Holy Word, that whatsoever we ask and believe, we shall receive. So I pray this prayer for the members of the Winning Group! Thank You God- AMEN.
America's Transformer Life Coach!
Please click to order my high requested Prosperity Affirmation download for only 5.99. It will shift your life to another level.
Copy and past into your browser to order today.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
If you desire better results, it is imperative to change your paradigm. Are you struggling for breakthrough results in your life? Join me as we shift to new realms of success and results.
Join Latisha Bell, Transformer Coach ™ for a FREE Thirty Minute Empowerment Shift Conference Call on Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 4:00 pm EST.
I want to share with you SEVEN words that will change your life, finances, business and results forever.... I remember many months ago, I struggled to get results in my experience. My real estate business was a suffering, my thoughts were limited and my faith was questionable. Fast forwarding, my turning point in life came when I changed my thinking at the subconscious level, developed infinite faith and created a new belief system for results. My experience has radically changed for the best.
If you are ready for change, ready to operate in a “no-excuse” mindset and experience increase in your current business, then this FREE call is designed for you.
Dial in number: (712) 432-0111 ext 901054#
Time 4:00 pm EST.
Excited to speak with you!
Coach Tisha Bell, MSOM
Leading Authority on Mindset Transformation
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Today is an outstanding day! Let nothing or no one distract you. I am getting phenomenal responses from my coaching clients. The Bible states, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free... John 8:32. It is a devastating and disheartening feeling to know many people are walking around living a limited life without breakthough because they refuse to allow the truth to make them free. What is the truth? There are several but in regards to the above, truth is that poverty, depression and other negative thoughts can be eradicated by simply changing your thoughts to the truth about your life.
Before my transformation, I use to think limited and lack thoughts. I use to attract all sorts of low level thinking people, limited finances, mediocrity jobs and other events. BUT NOW... There has been a shift. I have elevated my thoughts to success of winning and experiencing great results. Sure, I have obstacles, but in that, I have the faith to know I am victorious.
I am grateful and thankful for the friends and people in my life and it truly shows the reflections of my thoughts. Great friends of faith and success. We attract people into our lives that vibrate on the same level of our thoughts.
If you desire you life to change, register for the Manifesting TeleClass I am hosting on this Tuesday June 15, 2010 @ 7:00pm EST. Once you register, you will receive your workbook and conference call information. Its a 2-hour class which promises to be life changing. Register today at It's only 19.95.
Latisha Bell
America's Transformer Life Coach
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Join Us for this prosperity TeleClass!
Join Latisha Bell, America's Transformer Life Coach
"The 21-Day Prosperity & Manifestation Class"
This is a $69.95 class for an introductory investment of only $$19.95
The 21-day Prosperity Manifestation training will take place on Tuesday June, 15, 2010 from 7pm-9pm EST as a Tele-Class.
Once you register, you will receive your workbook via email and conference call information!
*****Send to your friends on your email list*****
Let's build this through word of mouth marketing!
Latisha not only lives what she is teaching, but have coached others through the 21 days and seen wonderful results. I'm not promising you that in 21 days you will be a millionaire, but you will certainly shift in your mental consciousness to attract wealth and move foward with your financial goal.
Latisha always get straight to the point in her teaching. Hey style is charismatic, energetic and enjoyable. Teaching and training is not only her passion, but her destiny, therefore you will experience a enlightening transformation. She focuses on guiding you to a wealth consciousness with strategies you can immediately implement.
Be a Money Magnet
You will learn what 21-day scientific prosperity manifestation consist of. Just think, in less than a month you can began to attract different things into your life by working with the Transformer Coach! This is a foundation to take your life to the next level.
The 21-Day Prosperity Manifestation Class will use proven techniques to implant a wealth consciousness into your mind and she will release the scientific formula for creating a wealth consciousness. There have been great results from this 2 hour teaching and 21-day challenge.
This is going to be fun, invest today!
This Training will eradicate the barriers of lack that are underlying and attracting less than financial events into your life. Let's blast them out like an atomic power of dynamic force.
You will be exposed to strategies that will eliminate the root cause of a poverty or limited mindset.
You will also learn procedures that will get to the core of your subconscious mind and remove negative blockages that could possibly obstruct your success.
Join America's Transformer Coach as we journey on a wealthy consciousness.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My prayer for you today is the following.
Father, let this winner banish all anxiety, fear, and doubt from their life, cells, body, business and thought processes. Release the power of their subconscious mind to guide them with its infinite knowledge, ideas, wealth creation and winning strategies.
Allow this winner to experience financial increase to day in their business and daily affairs. I call forth, clients, contracts, mergers, acquisitions, franchises, real estate, cash flowing, wealth, opulence, money and massive success. I pray that the positive, power of the Law of Attraction is activated for the higher good of all in their life now.
You said in your Holy Word, that whatsoever we ask and believe, we shall receive. So I pray this prayer for the members of the Winning Group! Thank You God- AMEN.
America's Transformer Life Coach!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Latisha Bell is America's Transformer Life Coach. She uses various psychological and spiritual techniques to assist you in transforming your life. Her successful background in Psychology, Real Estate/Business Sales and Organizational Management has given her great insight and strategies to transform any obstacle into a victory.
The, I'm Fabulous Self Esteem training will be enlightening, energetic and life changing. You will learn how to have confidence on demand in any situation. You will close more deals faster, meet new people and move in style and grace with ease. You will be exposed to strategies that will eliminate the root cause of low or limited self esteem hindering your progress. You will also learn NLP procedures that will get to the core of your subconscious mind and remove negative blockages that could possibly obstruct your success.
Click here to Register or copy and past into your browser
Four Week Tele Class beginning Monday, June 7th, 2010
Dates June 7, June 14, June 21, June 28, 2010 at
Time: 7:00 pm-8:00 pm EST
Once you register, you will receive your I'm Fabulous Workbook for the Tele-Class.
You can call 678-472-4589 or email Please email with questions.
This is a $49.95 Value for only $19.95. This includes all four LIVE Tele-classes with the America’s Transformer Coach, your workbook and proven strategies to build high level self esteem.
Keep Winning,
Latisha Bell- America's Transformer Coach
Click here to Register or copy and past into your browser
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mission is POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!
Like the picture? It was me in the 1st grade a young winner in the making, lol... Today may you be empowered with infinite ideas and possibilities. Remember, it only takes one idea to make your dream a reality. You are powerful and can have and do anything you desire.
I often hear ppl say that when I get this I will be that or my dream is on the way. I hear people say that I am on my way to my next level or destiny. We are not the next anything, we are orginal blue prints with creative power. I come to inform you that you are NOT on the way, you are there! Live your dream right now. You are the mission that others said was impossible. AT this moment, you are operating in your dream :)
Live, love and enjoy your life right now! You are in purpose and you are in destiny. Guess what, a little choas and obstacles just pushes us up a little higher. Don't fight it, but learn from it and keep operating in your destiny. We can't quit at life, enjoy it! You are a Powerful Mission!
Keep Winning,
Tisha- Transformer Coach
Friday, May 7, 2010
Winners, do not become a slave and serf to procrastination! It does not serve you well to put off your most important tasks and piddle ( a southern word) around on the useless tasks.
Procrastination is a thief of creativity, life and enjoyment. Do not permit it any longer. Procrastination is a mindset of fear, lack of focus, and being content with limitation.
One of my success tips that I practice is call the 5-Alive! For five hours a day, I turn off my phone, do not check email or anything. I focus on my business, strategies, implementing ideas, massive actions and making money. At the end of the five hours, my goal is to have completed something that will produce tangible results in a short time.
As winners, we must have uninterrupted time to work. The rest of the day, I chill on face book (just joking). Seriously, you can't accomplish much with the phone constantly ringing, emails coming through, and constant interruption. It breaks your focus.
Five hours of pure focus will yield unbelievable results. Try it and you will see. Be sure to write on the wall and let us know if you are taking the Big 5 and keep us abreast of your winning success.
Winners, take BIG ACTION and CELEBRATE BIG SUCCESS. You can click my page to order a copy of my new e-book for only 6.99. It will encourage, push and establish a mindset for motivation as you continue to move forward.
Keep Winning
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hello Winner,
I am so excited to have released my first E-book entitled, "WINNER, WINNER, WINNER." You can click the link below or copy and past it into your browser to order your E-copy for only 6.99.
Your mind is a fertile ground for success and massive results! You were created to WIN! We are powerful beings with awesome potential if we just tap into the creative power within.
“Winner Winner Winner” is a life transforming book, which is sure to propel you into great thinking. Failure can not exist in the mind of a person who believes they are destined to win. There is an infinite power that abides within you.
If you are tired of redundancy, limitation and need a boost for change, this book was written just for you. If you are achieving great results, this book is for you. There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you just "do it."
Thank you so much for your purchase! Have a winning day!
Latisha Bell
Please copy and past the entire link into your browser to order :).!
Friday, March 12, 2010
What happened to the Ceiling?
Greetings Beautiful People!!!
What happened to the ceiling? Well, I could not find the ceiling so I kept accelerating ;). I speak greatness, increase abundance and overflow in your life on this day. May you excel in excellence and surpass all limits and boundaries. We serve a rich and abundant God who supplies all wonderful and marvelous things to us. Be mindful of the beauty and creativity in everything around us. We were created with abundant ability to produce any and everything that we could imagine. Take your thoughts and translate them into tangible results.
I speak that we release all subconscious limitations, barriers, obstacles and mental roadblocks that invisibly hinder our massive success! May today and everyday be filled with an excess supply of energy! Get excited about your vision or get a vision that excites you. Operate in complete acceleration towards the ideas that have been released to you by God. We live in a beautiful universe full of vibrant creativity! I am ever grateful and thankful.
Remember, when you pray and ask earnestly for anything, it is possible if you only believe. Your big dreams do not scare my big God! Ask Big, Receive Big and Give Big. Make a decision to be a little extra generous today in the life of someone and allow God to multiply that seed back to you. May you live a rich, abundantly and wealthy life full of great and powerful manifestations!
I speak unlimited love, money, happiness, energy, power and positive action to you! There is no better time then now! Take action in the present moment to produce your future harvest. Thank you for reading my post and I pray that you will continue to be enlightened and changed because of the Word.
Living in the Infinite!
The Transformer Coach!
Interested in coaching with the Transformer Coaching Institute, email me at! Let's connect and accelerate!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
What's up WORLD? I'm excited as this is my first blog for March! Let's March on to the Victory. As I write, I'm feeling really excited, motivated and powerful. My thoughts at the moment...shove the excuses and start taking action. Your words can push you, excel you, take you back or keep you stuck! It's your choice. Who's speaking in your ear? Who is the dominate voice that motivates and encourages you to break limits and excel towards greatness?
I am in a new season and I love it! World, this is our year to win and we must connect with and make friends with the winners. I have terminated my friendships with lack and limitation. That little box I was in, I just kicked it down! I'm ready to accomplish the impossible and I'm not stopping. Guess what, neither should you. Your excuses are set backs for where you are destined to go and who you are destined to become.
This past weekend I was in New York with friends. We had a blast! The trip was so awesome, that I cried for almost an hour on the flight back to Atlanta :). The flight attendant said she wanted to hold my hand, lol! While in the Big Apple, we took advantage of new things and deliberately had an awesome time. Despite the 2.5 feet of snow and cold weather, it was one of the best times of my life. I travel a lot, but not as carefree as I did in New York. I felt as if I conquered new territory :). I owe it all to the power of words and speaking this trip and the amazing time into existence.
Our words have power! On a side note, a research study took two glasses of water for a two week period. One group spoke positive words and life affirmations to one glass of water and it became clearer during the 2 week period. The other group spoke negative, destructive words to other glass of water and it because dull and dingy. So what's the catch? Your negative words can affect any and everything around you since we are all vibratory beings. What are you consistently speaking over your life? Think like the greatest person that you know. Do you think Oprah gets up and speaks about the problems she encounters everyday? No. She talks about solutions and how she can expand her network and net worth. Be intentional and deliberate on the words that you speak. This is not the time to be weary or faithless! Move out in boldness and brilliance! You are already destined to win! Victory comes the moment you believe! Elevate your self talk and confidence to the highest level. NO MEDIOCRITY!
This week, write a power letter to yourself. Tell yourself how awesome and wonderful you are :). Focus on your strengths and how you can conquer anything that comes your way. Don't forget to add how creative and rich you are and that you are the greatest person who ever lived. Yes, that's right! So what if you haven't finished that creation or started that the time you finish reading that letter from you to you, you'll be self motivated to run for president. Build your confidence to the ultimate level. There is a great person living inside of you, but we will never know until you release it. Today I release me, no brakes, no limits! World Look out... I am excited about the mission.
In my own words from my heart to yours... from limitation arises a great force, a great voice and a great person who is releasing the brilliance within... These are not your tombstone words... live them now!
First Class Winner,
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Good Morning World! What will you achieve today? We had a powerful conference call last night! I believe we are all free of limited thinking and geared up to accomplish great things. We are vessels full of treasure and precious jewels. Your mind is valuable! When I look at the picture of our furry friend, I see the cheetah in the midst of taking action! Be fierce like the cheetah when it comes to your plans, take massive action.
Be a commander today. You are the CEO of your life. Get on the ice of life and take control. We are powerful energetic beings full of great ideas. Today, I encourage you to work your business, build your team, and GO FOR IT! There are 6.9 billion people in the world, you have more than enough to reach your goal. Do not confine yourself to the limitations of your neighbor, the grocery clerk or your best friend. Be set free.
Have FAITH! Faith is the belief that whatsoever you believe you will accomplish. Have faith in yourself and your belief system. Have FAITH in God! ALL things are ultimately possible to them that believe. Do you believe it on today? Take a leap of faith and jump out there. Create that massive wealth on today. Remember, have no limits. As I said last night, when the enemy of small thinking creeps in your mind, CHALLENGE it like the CHEETAH and command it to go! You clobber that small thought with a giant thought. That giant thought is I CAN AND I WILL! So Cheetah's run fast today, accomplish much today and remember, small thinking bad. Expand your vision, your network and watch your net worth expand. Have a great day.
If these writings have been a blessing to you, please feel free to leave a gift.
Have a Winning Day!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hello World!!! What are limits? Limits are defined as final, utmost, or furthest boundaries. Where did limits come from? FEAR! Who put them there? Environment and wrong thinking! Who taught you to think wrong? FEAR. You can do anything! You should get excited about your vision and your goals. Bust through the limits and stretch your arms wide and shout I'm FREE! Don't sentence yourself to LIFE in the limited thinking prision.
Your business, your idea and your mind can achieve whatsoever YOU believe is possible. That's the key word, believe. What or who shapes your belief system? When you began a task, do you hear the voice of your mother, old school teacher or boss whispering, you can't do that? Perhaps that voice is saying, you're not smart enough, your family isn't rich enough, or who do you think you are? Perhaps the little voice is saying, why can't you be like everyone else. (Now, that's a limitation...being like everyone else). Where did limited thinking derive? My conclusion, people will guide you based on their thinking. If someone is full of fear and limitation, how can they possibly tell you the sky is your limit? Seriously, can they tell you that your dreams are reachable? Don't allow a prison voice to be your guide...get with the winners.
Surround yourself with the no limit thinkers. Get in the energy of the movers and shakers. Change your scope to those who are the recession busters, creating income and cash flow. Get in the mix of those that are pursuing divine health and speaking peace. Start talking with eagles instead of the chickens. Yes, both of them have feathers, but their purposes are completely different. The chicken is designed to run around in the back yard and eat the chicken feed while the eagle is destined to fly higher than any other bird. A chicken relies on a person (the chicken manager aka chicken boss) to feed him. In other words, that chicken waits for a hand out so he can eat. An eagle realizes that no one has the ability to feed him like his appetite requires so he hunts for the best quality meal.
When a chicken is promoted, he is promoted to a chopping block. When an eagle is promoted he trains other eagles and develop his keen sense. A chicken eats chicken feed, aka a bunch of stuff (being nice)... an eagle has a strong robust appetite and dines on duck and fresh fish. An eagle could not survive on chicken feed. A chicken steps in his poop all day, but not the gliding eagle. The eagle glides in the crisp clean air and has a better view of the world, while the chicken views the dirt, ground, and runs into other chicken mates. You can tell when a chicken has been around, it smells and there are feathers everywhere. When was the last time you saw eagle feathers? The world looks forward to eating chicken for dinner, but who dines on the eagle. In other words, limitation eats fear for dinner, but it will choke if it bites into boldness.
I use this analogy so you can decide if you are an eagle or a chicken. Are you waiting for a handout or are you creating a path for others to follow. Are you settling for mediocrity or are you annihilating low level thinking and low self esteem. Be an eagle today and take the limits off! You deserve to fly and fly high. Start flapping your wings of success and take off. Be like the eagle and mount up and spread your wings. Release the limits today and remember, you can do anything you set your mind to do. Get a plan, get your goals and email me if you want to go from the chicken feed to the duck a la carte :).
Join me each Tuesday @ 7pm as we Banish LIMITS on our conference call. You can call 712-432-0111 code 901054#. Remember,the cage was made for the chickens... get off the farm set free and be who you are destined to be.
Your Winning Partner,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Morning World!!! Do you like the beach picture of Aruba? Just wanted to warm you up a bit if you are in a snowy place. There is a saying that all good things must come to an end. I asked myself, why? Do all good things come to an end...absolutely not! It just begins. While things in our lives have cycles and seasons, it is imperative that we refuse to live by those limiting factors. If there is something in your life that comes to an end, rejoice for newness can appear!
Your view of your world will yield exactly what you view. Now that you have a new beginning, what will you create? To create means to cause to come into being; evolve from one thoughts or imagination. You have a new day, a new chance to create something great and wonderful. Use the power of a positive imagination to create a new life, attitude and way of living for yourself. Why settle for a mediocre when you possess all the faculties to bring "the thing" into existence. Elevate your mind and your thoughts to creating a life that you enjoy.
I view every day as a day of creation! I have the opportunity to create new experiences, new friendships, new dreams, new goals and a new life. There is no limit to what we can create and when we can create it. I am so enjoying the boot camp for the mind! I have taken it to another level beyond the one hour early. I see massive results. Remember, things change when you change. Brand yourself with a new creation. I strongly believe in tithing and giving. It is a universal fact that what you give out/away you will receive back. It's amazing how things can come back to you and whom it chooses to come through. To my point, I gave away all of my summer clothes. I wanted to put the extreme giving to the test. Well, with that said, I have the ability to create a new summer wardrobe full of vibrant colors and new designs. I shared that with you to show how easily we can create what we desire. Today, bring something to an end in your life so that you can create a new beginning. You can begin again! Hey, let today be a do over day.
Committed to Winning in Life,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
How is the boot camp for the mind going? Learning any new information? Rising up an hour early to conquer the world? Are you implementing the changes necessary to accomplish your goals and dreams? Perhaps you are sleeping an hour later and not getting up early. I admit, it can be a bit challenging, especially if I go to bed late. I have come to a conclusion about my life... it's my life and I am going to live it to the fullest. Your mind is your greatest asset. It's amazing how we will spend more money on hair that we constantly cut and trim but never invest in expanding our mind and knowledge.
Take the LIMITS OFF! Think about this, every year we shed and create a new body. YEP! The old cells fall off and it takes about year before you are completely a new cell. The cycle continues. Now, I am NOT a cellular doctor, but this is generic information. Check out the hair on your head. Over the years, we have cut and cut and cut! The hair you see today is not the same hair you has as a baby. Our hair sheds and regenerates new hair. Well, what about our mind? Are we holding on to limiting beliefs from childhood, teenage years, old jobs, generational wrong thinking etc.? If you can think of a reason as to why something can't be done, you can THINK of a hundred reasons why it can be done. Perhaps you want to meet the Queen of England. It's possible.
The question remains, are you going to take action and do something? Will you just sit around and look at CNN and wish you could meet the queen. The results are waiting for those who will get up and TAKE ACTION. Stop, pause and take a deep breath... AHHHH... now say to yourself, I am responsible for my life. AHHHH (I hear the angels sing and the lights flashing). Stop the blame and build your confidence. Do IT! I enjoying getting the emails of those who are taking action and getting results. It's inspiring and enlightening.
Remember, if our bodies are changing and becoming new, so should our mind, our environment, our relationships, etc. A mind never grows old. Go, Sow & GROW! Make today count!
Join me tonight as I host our Tuesday Transformational Conference Call! 712-432-0111, ext 901054#. It's powerful, enlightening and highly motivational.
Monday, February 8, 2010
IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD! It's Monday and I'm sure you all had a great time watching the SuperBowl! I really enjoyed the wonderful food we had :). This is now the 2nd month of the year to win 2010! Due to my previous limited thinking, I believed that the only negative people in the world were those who assaulted your vision, dream, self worth. While that is the obvious, we must be aware of different type of negative energy depleters. Sometimes we focus on the obvious while the less than obvious is causing great distress and destruction. We should surround ourselves with highly positive and energetic people. People full of life, vision, accomplishments, etc. What negatives am I speaking of...low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Sure, you get a great idea and sure you are confident that it will work, but then YOU become your inner critic and began to shoot down your self-esteem. This is a little different than making excuses because you are flat out lazy. In this case, you began to speak about how your capabilities don't amount up to the requirements. Excuses such might not have all the money at this time. Other excuses are... I tried this before and I failed at it. What if people laugh at me...and the list goes on. You validate WHY you should not move forward. If you do move forward, it's with extreme caution because at the first sign of failure or defeat, you feel that you have a valid reason to quit. So the question remains, who benefits when you make an excuse to quit because YOU failed to deal with your low self esteem? This month, if you can think of one excuse why something can't be done, you can think of 100 as to why. Fill your mind with thoughts of accomplishment, not defeat. You can easily build your self-confidence by learning and taking ACTION! Identify the place of the excuse and began to attack it like a bear eating honey. Do your absolute best and remember, any excuse is a bad excuse. You have the capabilities to accomplish great things, so DO IT!
Please join us every Tuesday @ 7pm est for our Transformational Conference call! We have a blast! Myself, Shonta Prince, a dynamic speaker & special guests. You will expand your thinking beyond limitations and leave with action steps. Please call 712-432-0111 ext 901054# to join us.
Have a Winning Day!!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
WORLD WAKE UP!!!! Whowee, I am excited and ready for such a great and powerful day! I am feeling super and highly energetic! Let's talk about boot camp! So when you think of boot camp, I'm sure you think of the military in their sweats running and chanting. I'm sure you can visualize the drill Sergeant yelling at the new recruits from the of his lungs, DROP AND GIVE ME 20! I'm sure you can see the new young recruit with a look of determination to get through boot camp. It only takes six weeks of vigorous training to equip you for a life time of change. In boot camp, it's not only physical, but it's mental. It's training the mind to over come obstacles, focus on the task at hand and conquer distractions. In boot camp, you must consistently tell your mind, I can do this, I can't fail, I must finish my course. Some folks will not make it. So, where am I headed with all of this? Let's do a Boot Camp of the Mind! Mental Makeover 2010. Be aggressive in crashing that old way of thinking and creating new beliefs. The old way of thinking symbolizes bondage, limitation, fear, procrastination,lack, negative relationships, failed goals etc. When you perform a massive mental makeover, it symbolizes achievement, wealth, wonderful relationships, better communicators and my favorite ACTION! So, with that said, let me give you a little mental workout for the next seven days. You can start tomorrow and give yourself time to rest today. Wake up one hour earlier...! I can hear you screeching :). Wake up one hour earlier and read a book or article on anything that deals with increasing your self development. After you have read for an hour, take 15 minutes to write a paper on what you have read. You're thinking, I have been out of school for 20 years, give me a break. Hey, it's about change. Once you finish reading, take a 15 minute walk, workout or your exercise choice and talk to yourself about what you've just read and written. That's an hour and 1/2 that you are putting new information into your mind and saturating your thought paradigm. If you do this for seven straight days, that will be 10.5 hours of mind training a new area of attraction and creation. If you complete this for a month, that's over 40 hours of mental conditioning. Here's the clicker, will you get off your duff and do it? Or will you make excuses as to why you can not be consistent. Unless your life is perfect and you are already at the ultimate level, make a decision. Commit with us! Oh, let your new communication reflect application of the new info. Don't just read it, be it! I'm sure you are thinking...well, I don't have a book...again, articles, websites, etc. Ahaaaaa, there is no excuse. Alright soldiers, gear up and move out. Front liners take action, side liners provide the talk and cheer. Which are you? Hey you can't win from the sidelines... get in the game
Have a winning day!
TUESDAY NIGHT CONFERENCE CALL, FEB 2 @ 7pm est! 712-432-0111 ext 901054# Call in!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hey WORLD!!! We had such a powerful conference call on Tuesday with myself, and our special guest Dr. Ron! Dr. Ron really talked about the Law of Attraction from a basic level, but really brought our some deep interesting facts. The Key to the Law of Attraction is not just thinking about what you want and reciting wonderful affirmations as we have been taught. Keep in minds, that's apart of the process, you must have that direction. It's not just meditating, having faith and visualizing the outcome. But here is the secret, I think I have figured it out. The secret is THE LAW OF ACTION! Get off your bodunkas and start taking action! Tackle those goals and bust them up! Listen up, your goal on the paper is just a goal on the paper until you work it! Work- put in the action, effort and force to accomplish the necessary task. I must say it, it's NOT the LAW OF ATALKING! So, let's get quiet, start writing and start doing! Use the untapped potential of that brilliant mind! I'm sure if you are like me, you have ten thousand goals and desire to conquer the world :). Just take it one goal at a time, focus your energy and effort. Start working the goal to activate the Law of Attraction. It's a hot topic, I couldn't resist jumping in there with it :). The Bible is full of Laws of Attraction. My favorite book for business success and kingdom growth is Proverbs. So, the Law of Attraction was here before we discovered it many years ago. It's the existence of why we exist. So let's start the Law of Action, Get moving and email me and let me know what you are producing. Hey, the seed in the bag doesn't produce until YOU break the soil, fertilize the ground and plant the the seed. That's right, your mind is full of ideas (seeds) but we must plant them in the earth realm, with our business ideas, strategic planning etc. The fertilization process is getting our mind condition for success; training that subconscious mind and gearing up for the beautiful ride :). So let's get cracking! I'll see all the action takers at the TOP!!!!!! Have a stellar day full of great, creative ideas and results.
Always a winner,
Monday, January 25, 2010
HELLO WORLD!!!! Good DAY! What an exciting and great day to be alive! It's an opportunity to tap into the unlimited potential that resides deep within and create something new. MAJOR Question, Are you INFESTED? Infestation means to inhabit (live) or overrun in numbers or quantities large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious. It also means to live as a parasite in or on. Are you infested with small, low level, low producing thinking? Think about this for a minute before you jump and respond :). Let's break this down even further. Is your mindset infested with negative thoughts and fear to the point that you are harming the full potential that you have to offer? Are you committing greatness suicide because your mind and actions are infested with fear. It's not always the big fears, but the little fears that I'm talking about. Are your relationships infested with toxic people that are infecting your greatness ability? When something is infested, it's threatening and comes in vast amount to cause dis-ease. This may be a little gross, but think about rats in a sewer flooding the place. I'm sure you would not want to have steak dinner in the sewer of your city, would you? So, why limit or infect your mindset with sewer thoughts? Don't allow it under any circumstance. Get out of the pit and reign in the palace where you belong. Some of us are not negative if you've been following me for a while, you have graduated from that. But, sometimes we are limited and that's worse. WOW, you can speak positive all day and smile and be cheerful, but if you allow the infestation of fear and procrastination keep you involved in busy, non-productive activities all day, what have you accomplished? Take authority and produce results. Go above and beyond! Your results will produce to you the reality of no limitations. What you produce at the end of each minute will visibly proclaim if you are a positive limited thinker and waster. Yeah, it's a bit much to swallow but we have to go there because we are winners. Trust me, I'm judging myself. Unlimited thinkers and achievers have solid results that follow their life. Listen, we sometimes attack people that are critical over our lives, but is there some truth to it? The criticisms could be the results of the infestation in our ability to produce sound results. If you keep having failed relationships, don't get mad, get rid of your infested relationship thoughts. If you are broke, don't get made, get to the core of the infestation and began to clean it! Get a mental moving truck, U-Haul, not We- haul, those limited thoughts and results out! We have vast potential, so let get moving. Now, how do you deal with an infestation in your life? Look at the place where you are the weakest? Look at the place where you keep getting the same, unwanted, mediocre results and began to attack it. If your vice is procrastination, then start taking action immediately on things instead of waiting. Stop it with the excuses. If your boo isn't treating you right, calibrate those thoughts to new realm of great thinking in that relationship. Make a decision today to detox your mind and ride aboard with the winning team. Please join me every Tuesday night @ 7pm EST on our Transformational conference call! We have a blast as we change the world by changing ourselves. 712- 432-0111 ext 901054#. Have a great day and SHOUT.. I'M A WINNER!
Dedicated to Winning,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Excuses are GREAT, if you want to FAIL!
HELLO WORLD! Wow, it's such a better place because you are alive and accomplishing great things I pray. How are your goals coming along for January? Have you written them down or are you recovering from the depression of the news media? Are you creating your future or living vicariously through pointless reality t.v.? Are you making a mark that can not be erase or thinking of new excuses as to why something can't be done? Are you serious about your success, or serious about living a mediocre life? Yeah, I have to constantly ask my self those questions and become my own judge and jury in the most brutal way. It's amazing how we love to assimilate with those who will support our non-productive behavior verses those that will keep it real and tell us the truth. Sometimes we gravitate to the friend who will say, well, "I understand" verses the friend who states; "Look, we all have issues, but get over it." My point, get out of the comfort zone, aka the snake zone, the choking of dreams. Now, under no circumstance do we accept negativity, but corrective talk is vital for growth. It's time to live a life without limits and purpose. You know, you are talking to a recovering excuse maker. Our excuses are lies to ourselves. We lie to our self because of the fear of what we have the ability to become. Perhaps you have been beat down mentally, or hurt. Get UP! You know, it can be a bit overwhelming knowing that you have to ability to become the president, but settle for becoming city council because you are fearful. Live in the absolute truth! You are a powerful person with brilliant ideas. Live in the truth, free of why something can't be done. Just do it! Challenge each excuse and lie you have ever spoken over your life with action. You can turn it around. Eliminate voices that validate your excuses and support mediocrity results in your life. Accelerate above the limitation and soar. Today, when you began that challenging goal, think of 21 reasons why and how you will accomplish your goal and just do it. Don't waste your time thinking of why it can't be done. Example, I want to be an Olympic sky diver (now I'm being outrageous, but hey, why not). I can think 10 reasons why that will not work without using any effort. Excuses such as, the Olympics doesn't have that category, I'm a woman, I'm black, in case you didn't know :), I don't have flight experience, I don't have a skydiving suit,I don't know how to get started, ohhhhh, the big one, I don't have the money, etc. But why not say, I will do what ever to accomplish my dream. If you have the mind power to think it, you can do it and be it! Annihilate all excuses! Get rid of them now. You will be free of energy and mind power. Shut up with the excuses, please! World, it's not an obstacle or a hater, it's just an excuse that you have created. As Always, we are all on the same winning team! A team of no excuses, only action and results. Bring the bacon home to mama or perhaps your big daddy, but just bring it!
Be sure to join us every Tuesday on our powerful conference call, where we just bring it!!! In your face, BAM! If you aren't motivated after Tuesday to accomplish great things, then I'm out of words for you, lol! Link up with us and it's free. Dial in number 712-432-0111 Code 901054#. Starts at 7pm EST.
Your Winning Partner & Success Cheerleader,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
GOOD MORNING WORLD! I'm jumping in there this morning like a diver plunging into the the water! SPLASHHHHHH, Can you feel the excitement and energy? WHOWEEE, Jump with me, SPLASHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Listen, there is power in the I CAN, I AM and I WILL! There will be times when you feel like giving up, cussing folks out and perhaps slapping someone that's a negative dream killer. BUT, you need not fear or even think of the above strategies! Why, because you may land in jail and that's not apart of the vision :). Secondly, because you have the power to complete! Yes, there is finishing power in you. Let me help you really quick so that you can continue to bust through that negative obstacle course of non-believers :). If God has given you a business, dream, vision, idea, HE has given you the finishing power to complete it! Set your mind to finish and not give up regardless of the odds you face. Every time I get slapped with an obstacle as I do so often, I say... MONEY COMETH! Why, because the obstacle is a sure sign that my victory is going to be prosperous! When I face a negative person, family member, friend or colleague and I feel like screaming, I set my mind to say, I BELIEVE and THEREFORE I SPEAK! Why do I do that, you ask? It's because I am removing the negative emotion that comes along with the feeling of defeat. Defeat does not exist, its that emotion that you attach to it. Ok, we have all been there, why poor me. If you are there now, stop the foolishness and start with my first blog and get cracking. This is not the time for cry babies so get your butt up! You have too much in you to look for a pity party! STOP IT! OK, had to get that out :) I am turning around what looks like a bad situation and making it victorious for me! You can't fail! The only failure exist in your mind! Think about this, to others you look like a success, to some you look like a failure, but the question remains, how do you see yourself? Baby, I'm a WINNER! Develop your mind power in perseverance and determination. Use the power words of I CAN, I AM AND I WILL! Now, who's going to stop me? See, the deeper question remains and it is... it's not a matter of I WILL but WILL I? Yes, will you make it to the finish line and block out alllllllllll the negativity? Will YOU make a decision to look at your obstacles as money coming to you? Will you look in the face of the jealous person and say, I believe (because my mind is set for finishing) therefore I SPEAK! Let me further help you! Don't speak anything YOU do not believe! That's right! Before you start speaking, saturate your mind with the finish power of that business, idea, ministry, wealth etc. Let your mind and spirit get drench with victory before you even speak it! Then when you speak, NOTHING can STAND against a made up mind because you know that IT HAS COME TO PASS!!! Example time! I'm in the real estate business. If you don't like rejection, this is not the business for you. When one loan officer tells me no or my client, do I give up and say, well, I'm going to quit because that one person said NO! Absolutely NOTTTTTTTT! My mind is let's keep moving, and MONEY COMETH! That's right, I take that rejection as a sign that I was not meant to prosper in that relationship and I start speaking greatness so I can attract and I did say attract the right person for the right deal! I absolutely love this! Now, I admit, at first I use to keep Kleenex in my car for those little tears, lol! But now, I just might tell you MR. Banker, your rejection is a sure sign that you can't handle the power that I'm bringing! AND, if I'm feeling really BOLD, I'll go back with my check in hand and say, see Mr. Banker, you could have been getting these deposits, but you just weren't assigned to prosper with me. Ok, maybe that's a bit cocky, but hey :). You don't need a bail out, you need to get your mind focused! WHEW, I keep sidetracking. Notice, I did not say, it will come to pass from earlier :).. I said it has! Your ability to visualize your success before it happens, is a dimension of completion that we live on. Therefore, if I see finished, it must happen! That's why, if God gives you the idea, you must complete! So, with that say, stand up and look in that mirror with your fine self and say, I can finish my goal! I will complete the ACTION steps (again I said action) and I AM absolutely great, phenomenal and worthy of all the wonderful things that accompany this success! Can you feel the power? When you speak, the universe hears your plans! Other people hear your voice and they respond! Listen, today is the first day of the rest of my life! I CAN, I WILL AND I AM! After many obstacles, I have now tapped in to the secret of miracle power! Join me tonight if you can on this free powerful conference call that I host @ 7pm est. You can call into 712- 432-0111 , the conference code is 901054#. We have a blast every week! We are determined we are not stopping at all cost. The speakers on my call have proven results in the areas that we speak on and we are blazing forth! Tonight, we are bringing it! Super Energey beyond belief! I would tell you to get ready, but baby if you are not ready... CATCH UP! Stay READY! SHOUT... I AM A FINISHER!!!! MONEY COMETH!!!!!!!!!!! WHOWEEEEEE!!!!!
Hey winner, if you apply the above principles of today, you will get extraordinary results IMMEDIATELY! I absolutely can not wait to speak with you tonight and hear of the wonderful things that have come forth just on today! Guess what, immediate implentation of the above will yield on the spot results! Had to say it twice cause you didn't believe the first time. Keep it up!
Also, if this blog has been a blessing to you, your donations are great appreciated but not pressured! Have an abundant-filled day of victory and power!
Super Winner,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
WHAT'S UP WORLD!!!!!!!! Good MORNING!!! What a powerful day to be alive in this wonderful world that God has created. Just take a moment to reflect on your blessings and the grace that you have. It doesn't matter what's going on, you have the power and strength to overcome and command things to change for greater. We all have so much to be grateful for! WHEW, I'm GRATEFUL!!!!! We are powerful people with wonderful ideas and strategies. That business idea that you have, stop sitting on it. Get off your tush and get to work! It's time! If you can dream it, think it or even consider it, you can do it! Bust through procrastination, turn your phone off, click the TV off and get busy with your vision. This is day 16 of the new year!!!!!!!! What have you done in 16 days? Well, what are you doing to do with the remaining? We all know how fast the year goes by. So with that said, get cracking and get moving! Focus on identifying people who waste your time and energy. The word waste is defined as to consume, destroy or employ useless. Also, without adequate return or profit. To fail to use, wear down or neglect. To destroy, devastate or ruin. OK, NOTHING GOOD or GREAT COMES FROM WASTE! NOTHING!!!! That old lazy spirit or should I say, just taking your time and thinking to long about that idea before you even consider action and then 5 years go by, THAT'S WASTE! Many times we say, well it's all divine timing. But seriously, what have you done that you can really say, I had that idea twenty years ago and I just took action last week and it was perfect. You can't! When you get an idea, it's a seed for that time or within a reasonable time frame! Quit fooling yourself, with vast amount of thinking, just start doing!
So the just of all of this... You have GREAT talents within, WHEW! Your mind is a fertile ground for ideas and increase. All things are possible to them that believe. DO you BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE NOT A WASTE? Look at that word waste and it's definition from above. If there is ANY part of your life, time, relationship, money, ideas, mind, etc. that you are wasting, re-evaluate! Please don't waste, destroy, ruin and have no return on that idea any more. Hey, got an excuse, you are a time waster. I got up early this morning to encourage you to NOT waste your time any more. Not even a second. Account for every moment. WOW!!!! How awesome we would be if we just took 24 hours and had a no waste day! Sowing seeds of greatness.
We have already experienced 16 days in the new year! Have you wasted anytime? Hey I'm a little guilty. I'm talking as little as a second? Did you waste precious sleep time wondering how you were going to take care of an expense? Did you waste precious sleep time thinking about a past relationship or daydreaming about something crazy. Did you waste or destroy time on an unproductive person that consumes your time? Did you invest in a problem that yielded no return? Did you fail to use all of your "God-given" talents and abilities because you were fearful? God does not waste time, the universe does not waste time and neither should you or I!
THIS IS THE TIME to EXPAND!!!!!! THIS IS THE TIME TO USE YOUR BEST! 2010 is my Year of No Waste. Let's not fool ourselves! REALITY CHECK! This can't be the year to win if you are wasting time, money, etc. Don't waste your time and don't you consume anyone else time with your issues. Let's not be the waster or the wastee! I expect greatness from the best of you! I am glad that we are on the winning team!
I have a year of power packed speaking events in which I am traveling nationally and internationally this year speaking the message of transformation and watering the seeds of greatness within! Please email me @ or follow me on to find out if I am coming to your area.
ALWAYS A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!
Tisha Bell
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
LET'S ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning WORLD!!!!!! Today is the absolute greatest day of your life. Let's redefine that, it's the greatest moment of your life. We must learn to live in the moment and enjoy the power of NOW! There is divine timing for everything, but we seemingly miss it because we are out of sync. Shift your mind and thoughts into alignment with the thoughts of God. Get focused and clear up the fuzziness in your mindset. Example, God has provided us an abundance of everything that we need and desire. We have no reason to be in lack, want or any deficiency. If we are experiencing that, we must shift our minds to align with his mind! God dwells in us, therefore, we are manifested beings of God's presence. Our conversation is a reflection of God's presence in us, our life style, our environment. When I look at the character of God, he has order, peace, love, wealth, abundance, intelligence wisdom and so much more. It is His ultimate plan that we enjoy the now moment of every aspect of our life. Sure, we will have barriers, but when I transpose my thinking to God's thinking, I realize there isn't a force or dynamic that can stand against the power of God. Let's be real, we all have challenges, but let's make up in our minds to give our challenge a challenge. In this year, I want the best and I will be the best. My self-image has been transposed. I no longer see myself as a victim or a little bumble bee, I see myself as victorious! I have greatness within me and so do you! We are GREAT people! We have minds which are rich fertile grounds for ideas (seeds). Let's start planting seeds in that rich fertile ground and let's reap a harvest. I have experience a paradigm shift and I am sure that you have too. I see greater in me! There is no limit to what I can be in this life. Why, because I am activating the power of my mind and intelligence. I am learning more, growing more and being more. I am putting into action the mysteries that are revealed into my mind. I'm allowing my mind to expand beyond the norm. Most people never pick up a book after college or high school. Haaaa, not I! I am expanding my mind so that I can maximize my greatness. I encourage you to read 30 minutes a day, anything that will enhance your career, mindset, finance, marriage, etc. You will be amazed at the new seeds of knowledge that you are planting in your mind. With continuous effort, you will experience a harvest. It's only 12 days in this new year and this has been the most powerful and amazing time of my life!!!!!!!! Whoweeee!!!! Every Tuesday, I host an empowerment call at 7pm, est. I entitle it Transformational Tuesdays. You can dial in at 712-432-0111, the conference code is 901054#. Experience a true paradigm shift from myself and others that have transformed their thinking and getting measurable results!
Always a Winner!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello WORLD!!!!!!!! Happy New Year! This is the year to win, dream and all the wonderful ideas and visions that we have. This is the first picture of me on New Years Eve. I had a four day speaking engagement and I challenged the people to expand their minds for greater!!! I am excited about this year because I am embarking upon new ideas and territory. I have the mindset of Lady WonderWoman. That's right, I am ready to conquer my realm. I'm excited about the Transformer program and conference calls that I host every Tuesday Night. Ok, so let's just jump in there with a new message for a new year. Let's see, 2009 is gone! Yipee! There were some people I left right in 2009 along with emotions, hurts, victories and triumphs. Let's create something new! Listen, we can't go into this year winning if we have losing mentalities connected to us. I am making a conscious decision to surround myself with winners and stay out of the comfort zone. I have big goals, big dreams and big ideas. What about you? What mark will you create in this outstanding year? How will your collective vision and dream make a difference? I want you to think big! This is not the time to play small! You have sooooo much on the inside of you and it's time for you to rise to the top. Just take it one step at a time. We were never destined to be bottom crawling dust eating creatures. Get out of that low-self esteem, low pit thinking. We were created to reign, rule and walk in authority. I am a ruler! Don't start the year off feeling sorry for yourself, no time for a pity party! Start the year off feeling strong and robust. Also, I am starting the month of January off as my love month! I am going to spread as much love as I possible can. Every opportunity that I have, I am going to say I love you and I appreciate you. I am going to make everyone that I come in contact with feel special and warm. Love drives out evil and it eliminates hate. So let's make this month a month of love and big dreams. If you are interested in finding out more about my transformation Tuesday conference calls and more, send me an email to
I love me so much and I love you too! Let's stay in love this year, support each others dreams and really push each other to rise to the top.
Always a winner,
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